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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

208 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Oct. 10 General University Warrants—Continued. No. Date. To Whom. For What. Amount. 1906 2365 Oct. Milk 10 R. A. Wooters 2366 ..do N . M. VanMeter ..do •••• 2367 ..do ..do S. F . Fackler 2368 ..do U . M . Good ..do 2369 ..do G. F . Maxwell ..do 2370 ..do L . G. J o h n s o n ..do 2371 ..do Brass checks, etc Chas. H . Besley & Co 2372 ..do T h e Acadamy of N a t u r a l Periodicals Sciences of Philadelphia 2373 ..do Advertising A. H . Grant 2374 ..do Books, etc A. C. M c C l u r g & C o 2375 ..do Boston Book Co Books 2376 ..do L e m c k e & Buecliner Periodicals, etc 2377 ..do G. E . Stechert & Co Books, etc 2378 ..do Book T h e Arthur H. Clark Co 2379 . . d o . . . . . . . . T h e K e n y o n News & Postal Subscription Co Journals, etc 2380 ..do W. G.Bain Expenses 2381 ..do Urbana& Champaign Railway Coke, etc Gas & Electric Co 2382 ..do Labor 2383 ..do Eisner Grocery Co Groceries 2384 ..do Repairing Harry H . Miller 2385 ..do Seeds Vaughans' Seed Store 2386 ..do Illinois State Reformatory — Circulars 2387 ..do T h e Oliver Typewriter C o . . . . P a y m e n t 2388 ..do Standard Oil Co Gasoline 2389 ..do T h e * S t i r l i n g Consolidated Boiler Co Gauge, etc 2390 ..do Globes T h e Jandus Electric Co 2391 ..do National Carbon Co 2392 ..do Hose, etc 2393 ..do Western Electric Co 2394 . . d o . . . . 2395 ..do Urbana Electric Supply C o . . Canopus ..do Charlotte M. Pinkerton ..do Rocks ..do W. S. Bayley 2399 ..do T h e De La Val Separator C o . . Oil 2400 ..do H.F.Chester Drayage 2401 .do Tinwork Munds & Prentice 2402 ..do Hords Dairymyn Advertising 2403 ..do E. Davenport Envelopes, etc 2404 .do Book 2405 ..do International Harvester C o . . . 2406 ..do Advertising Chicago Produce Co 2407 .:do Ink A. B. Dick Co 2408 ..do Labor, September, 1906 E. O. Jacob 2409 ..do C. L . Berger & Sons 2410 ..do T h e Gazette Paper 2411 ..do A. A. S p h u n g Crawfish 2412 ..do H . Swannell & Son Drugs 2413 ..do B. F . McCurdy Frogs 2414 ..do W . W . Gerauld Cloth 2415 ..do Western Union T e l e p r a p h Co Telegrams 2416 ..do Studebaker Bros. Mfg. C o . . . . Road wagon 2417 ..do Alexander Ward & Conover.. Cattle 2418 ..do Champaign Gas and Electric Supply Co Electric supplies 2419 ..do York H o n e y & Bee s Supply Co 2420 ..do T h e A h r e n s & Ott Mfg. C o . . . P i p e , etc 2421 ..do H orse blocks T h e Miller Harness Co 2422 ..do W . S., J . B., & B. D u n h a m .. K e e p of horses Hubard & Sons 2423 ..do Apple barrels Hanry M. Dunlap 2424 ..do T w i n City Ice & Cold Storage 2425 ..do Ice Co 2426 ..do Walker Mulliken Lumber 2427 ..do S. E. Huff & Co Knowlton & B e n n e t t . . . . Drugs, etc 2428 ..do Harness, etc 2429 ..do T e a m work * ." 2430 ..do (). E. Shobe & Co 2431 ..do D. H . L l o y d e 2432 ..do Swift & Co Percival & Hall Salt 2433 ..do : $ 5 92 16 38 27 67 9 46 35 74 10 41 5 63 5 00 6 75 21 94 492 25 71 35 71 11 7 25 • , 6-60 3 78 26 72 4 50 10 20 1 56 31 31 25 70 60 00 10 38 1 80 6 00 22 40 11 60 '8 28 9 23 31 00 5 53 25 00 8 58 2 50 8 50 1 85 10 00 6 90 I 00 1 25 10 00 4 00 9 60 9 40 2 25 8 00 4 05 2 50 3 84 13 47 102 50 694 42 89 20 6 95 70 03 10 65 78 42 70 74 14 70 141 00 146 29 22 73 23 81 54 55 47 25 39 34 34 00 3 30 .' NNc! ! „. 1
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