Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1906] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 187 General University No. Warrants—Continued. F o r What. Amount. Date. To Whom. 1906 800 Aug. 10 Pefcival & Hall 801 . .do N . H . Gentry Zener Disinfectant Co 802 National Poland ChinaRecord 803 . .do Co R e m i n g t o n Typewriter C o . . . 804 American Berkshire Associa805 806 . .do 807 Swift & Co 808 : Pantagraph P r i n t i n g and 809 810 811 812 813 . .do 814 . . d o . . . . . . . . 815 816 817 818 819 820 Salt Pig Zendleum Recording Machine Entry fees Etchings ' $ 3 30 50 00 18 20 7 00 105 75 > . 5 00 16 52 34 00 282 54 47 00 18 95 2 00 7 25 75 06 18 55 14 64 25 00 83 14 189 19 21 30 12 00 16 00 21 00 2 00 45 00 15 00 3 00 23 00 5 00 3 10 136 88 41 58 4 35 13 13 275 00 32 00 7 98 14 00 5 00 11 00 10 00 65 10 56 00 3 10 112 50 2 00 39 12 81 93 12 6 51 13 13 4 84 75 10 30 5 98 27 9 11 37 33 1 3 35 30 CO 50 88 11 40 30 25 00 00 07 00 00 80 40 20 04 83 73 00 79 00 ' Printing Mittendorf & Kiler Linoleum T h e W . I . SaffellCo Grant Carpencer W a g o n hire H. Swannell & Son Drags J . Bishop & Co Crucibles Eisner Grocery Co Soap, paper, etc. Curtiss, SingTbusch & Co Pulleys C. G. Snedaker Clover Charles Mollet. Repair w o r k . . . . O O Holsinger Building T h e Arthur H . Clark Co . . . . . Books .* T h e American Society of M e chanical Engineer? Twin City Ice & Cold Storage 821 . .do Ice Co... W . C. Beatty Lunches 822 Biney & Smith Co Clay 823 Apparatus 824 H e n r y Troemner. 825 . . d o . : . . . . . . Urbana &Champaign Railway Gas & Electric Co Coke Apparatus repaired 826 .do 827 Printing B F . Drakenfeld Supplies 828 Chas. B . Chrystal Clay 829 . .do M G.Schneider Painting 830 831 Labor and materials T h e Garlock Packing Co Packing 832 833 Oil Standard Oil C o . T h e Jeffrey Mfg. C o . . . . Coal crusher. 834 Apparatus 835 Warner & Swasey Co Champaign News Advertisements 836 837 T h e Educational E x c h a n g e . . . . d o 838 Southern Educational Review. . .do 839 C. T . K n i p p . Lecture 840 L a m b Wire F e n c e Co Tools 841 Bacon Brothers '. •. Paint 842 J R Riggen Labor and materials 843 Smith Premier Typewriter Co. Machine, etc 844 Public Publishing Co Book 845- Knowlton & Bennett Glass, etc 846 Chas. H . Besly & Co Brass 847 .do Packing Steel Mill Packing Co 848 J . A . F a y & Egan Co Chisels..: 849 K n i g h t & Jillison Co Machine.... 850 Wrenches; Kroeschel Bros. Co 851 Ladder Milbrandt Mfg. Co 852 Glass Deane & Bode Mfg . C o 853 Printing 854 . .do T h e Gazette J G Braun 855 Steel American School of Corres856 Books pondence Electric Appliance Co 857 . .do Urbana Electric Supply C o . . . Wire 858 Morgan Brooks Telegraphone 859 Etchings, etc Barnes-Crosby Co 860 Tracing cloth 861 Keuff el & Esser Co Harry A . Kuss Labor 862 863 Crane Co • Railings, etc 864 J a m e s B . Clow & Sons Supplies 865 Fabor Ruhl & Co Advertising Engineering Record 866 T . H . Trevett H ard ware 867 868 Aiberene Stone Co , ... . . .. •.. ...