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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 175 Financial Statement of the University of Illinois for the twelve months • ending June SO, 1907. R E C E I P T S J U L Y l, 1906 T O J U N E 30, 1907. Balance J u l y 1, 1906 ; Interest on e n d o w m e n t fund and land contracts. F e e s from students Departments and laboratories Miscellaneous United States Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station.. State Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station State Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station, receipts. Other State appropriations United States Government School of Pharmacy .. College of Medicine Total., E X P E N D I T U R E S J U L Y 1, 1906 T O J U N E 30, 1907. $ 32,409 62 103,139 301 .6,206 41 58,655 001 29,345 48 95,000 00 17,724 85 527,500 00 25,000 00 16,286 24 95,742 101 Salaries for instruction Salaries for services Departments and laboratories Miscellaneous State appropriations not including salaries United States Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station. School of Pharmacy College of Medicine Balance J u n e 30, 1907.. Total $365,640 00 70,704 40 26,170 16 56,238 56 425,765 55 17,712 67 16.549 02 96,783 11
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