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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

170 W. H. STEAD, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [July 20 STATE OF ILLINOIS OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL, Attorney General. SPRINGFIELD, July 20, 1907. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS—UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. W. L. Pillsbury, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, of the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois: DEAR SIR—I have your favor of the 18th inst., in which you state that the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois desire the opinion of this office as to, how far the power of said board is limited by the provisos in the various sections of an act entitled, "An Act to extend the equipment and increase the instruction in the College of Agriculture of the University of Illinois and to provide for the extension of the Agricultural Experiment Station, and to make appropriations therefor," Approved June 4, 1907, in force July 1, 1907. Section 1 of said act -make® it the duty of the College of Agriculture to give thorough and reliable instruction in the economic production of crops, etc., and appropriates $50,000.00 annually for the years 1907 and 1908 to carry out the provisions of the section. By a proviso of said section it is provided that the disposition of the funds shall be made along lines agreed upon by the dean of the College of Agriculture, and an advisory committee consisting of the presidents of the several state agricultural Organizations. Section 2 makes it the duty of the agricultural experiment station to conduct investigations calculated to develop the beef, pork, etc., producing interests of the State, etc., and appropriates $25,000.00 annually to carry out the provisions of the section. "Provided, that the work undertaken and outlined in this. section shall be carried out on lines to be agreed upon by the director of the Agricultural Experiment Station and an advisory committee of five to be appointed by the Illinois Live Stock Breeder's Association." Section 3 makes it the duty of the Agricultural Experimental Station to conduct experiments to discover the best methods of producing corn, wheat, etc., and appropriates $15,000.00 annually to carry out the provisions of the section. By a proviso, the work outlined in this section is to be carried out on lines agreed upon by the director of the Agricultural Experiment Station and an advisory committee of five to be appointed by the agricultural societies. • „ Section 4 makes it the duty of the -Agricultural Experiment Station to make chemical and physical examinations of the various soils of the State, etc., and to carry out the provisions of. this section $25,000.00 annually is appropriated. By a proviso it is enacted that the work outlined in this section shall be carried put on the lines to be agreed upon by the director of the Agricultural Experiment Station and an advisory committee of five, to be appointed v by the Illinois Farmers' Institute. Section 5 makes it the duty of the Agricultural Experiment Station to discover and demonstrate the best methods of orchard treatment, etc,, and appropriates. $15,000.00 annually to carry out the provisions of this section, and by a proviso it is enacted that the work outlined in the section shall be carried out on lines to be agreed upon by the director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, and an advisory committee of five, to be appointed by the Illinois State Horticultural Society. Section 6 makes it the duty of the Agricultural Experiment Station to investigate the dairy conditions of the State, etc., and appropriates $15,000.00 to carry out the provisions of this section, and by a proviso it is enacted that the work outlined in this section shall be carried out on lines to be agreed upon by the director of the Agricultural Experiment Station and an advisory committee of five to be appointed by the Illinois State Dairymen's Association.
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