Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

166 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [3uly 20 I wish to recommend that, in case the supervising architect of the University of Illinois be asked to prepare working drawings for structures which under this law must be designed by a licensed architect, the University shall meet all expenses of preparing such plans, and shall in addition pay to the supervising architect one per cent on the cost of the building in addition to his regular salary. This should apply only in cases where said supervising architect prepares the complete plans and specifications necessary for the awarding of contracts for new buildings. I do not think it is desirable for the supervising- architect to do much of this work; but my past experience shows that there will be instances when it may be advisable to have the plans for minor, buildings prepared in this way. I think it very desirable that there should be an understanding in advance with regard to the compensation for such services. Yours truly, JAMES M. WHITE, Dean of the College of Engineering. The committee recommends tjiat when the supervising architect is required to prepare plans and specifications for a building which is to cost more than; $10,000.00 he * © allowed a fee of one per cent on the cost of the > building, in addition to his regular salary as supervising architect. REPAIRS AND NEW CONSTRUCTION. The committee has authorized repair work amounting to $16,500.00 as follows: Repairs to buildings i $10,000 Repairs to electrical equipment, heating apparatus, and pumping- station . . 6,500 Also the following described new work for the Auditorium :— Lighting fixtures, tunnel for and including steam main and lighting cables 10,000 Sewerage extension 3,500 Total . $30,000 FENCE FOR THE FORESTRY LOT AND FOR THE HORTICULTURE LOT. About two years ago an appropriation of $2,500.00 was made for this purpose. The Agricultural department finds this amount not adequate for the style of fence which it desires to erect. The committee, therefore, recommends that the appropriation for this purpose be $4,000.00. SITE FOR A HOUSE AND BARN FOR DAIRY EXPERIMENTAL PURPOSES'. The committee has approved a site southeast of the cemetery and near the old rifle range. SITE FOR FLORICULTURAL GREENHOUSE. The committee recommends a site south of the farm buildings, to be agreed upon betwe&n the Dean of the College of Agriculture and the President of the University. Respectfully submitted, COMMITTEE ON BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. W. L. ABBOTT, Chairman. D E E D TO L A N D I N SOUTHERN I L L I N O I S . Mr. Hatch returned the deed to a tract of land which had been purchased in southern Illinois with the recommendation that the deed be recorded, that Mrs. Kate Carter, of whom the land had been purchased, be paid $5, and t h a t the back taxes be paid, these expenditures to be charged to the special funds for the department of Agronomy of the College of Agriculture.