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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907J PEOOEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 148 signs, to enter in, along, upon and across the grounds now occupied by the University of Illinois, for the purpose of constructing a single track railway, the same to be constructed and operated upon a strip of land twenty-five feet wide extending from the east line of the property now occupied by the said University of Illinois to the west line thereof, and being more particularly described as a strip of land twelve and one-half feet on each side of a line , within the boundaries of the property now occupied by the said University of Illinois, along a line to be approved by the board of trustees of the University of Illinois connecting with the track or tracks of the said street railway company at the west end of Oregon street, thence along Mathews avenue in the city of Urbana, Illinois, thence across the grounds of said University north of the site of the present Agricultural building, to a point on the west line of the property of said University, and thence on Wright street in the city of Champaign, Illinois', so as to connect with the railway of said railway company at the intersection of John street with Wright street in the city of Champaign, Illinois. Said railroad to be constructed and maintained, on a surface grade to be approved by said board of trustees, and wherever necessary to construct a curve or curves in said railway on said University grounds, said curve or curves be on a radius of one hundred feet. Upon the completion of the construction of said railway the land upon each side thereof shall be restored to its original condition as far as practicable without expense to said board of trustees. Said railway may be operated by electricity or any other motive power except steam, and the board of trustees of the University of Illinois ishall have power and authority to regulate the speed and operation of cars while in and upon said premises, and the rights and privileges hereby granted shall continue and remain in full force and effect for a period of twenty years from then and after the passage of this resolution; Provided, however, that unless the railway hereby authorized shall be completed and in operation within two years from the date of the passage of this resolution, all rights hereby granted shall cease and determine. Adopted by the House, May 11, 1907. B. H. MCCANN, Acting Cleric of the House of Representatives. The foregoing message from the House of Representatives was taken up for consideration and read. And the question being, "Shall the Senate concur with the House of Representatives in the adoption of the resolution?" it was decided in the affirmative. TINTING WALLS OF AUDITORIUM. 2. The report of the Committee on Buildings regarding the tinting of the walls of the Auditorium, with recommendation that the contract be granted to English Brothers, in accordance with the proposition herewith submitted: CHAMPAIGN, I I I . , June 20th, 1907. Dean James M. White: DEAR SIR—We will furnish all labor and material n'ecessary to complete the tinting of the walls of the Auditorium using a glue, soap and alum size for the sum of eight hundred seventy-five dollars; we will use a hard oil size for thirty-five dollars additional. We will paint the plaster under balcony one coat size and two coats of white lead and oil in colors to suit owner for the sum of one hundred eighty-five dollars. Trusting that this will be satisfactory, we are yours truly, ENGLISH BROS, Per E. C. E., Jr. I recommend hard oil size and oil colors under balcony. JAS. M. WHITE. Voted that the recommendation of said committee be approved:
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