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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

138 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 28 1. That the board of trustees approve the practice of the committee in returning the fees of applicants for admission to the. C. P. A. examinations if they are not admitted to the examinations. 2'. That five dollars of the fee be retained in the case of applicants who are duly admitted to the examinations, but notify the committee before the examinations that they are unable to be present thereat, and are not present.' 3. That the fees be not returned to applicants who are duly admitted to the examinations and present themselves thereat, but \vithdraw after the opening of the first examination. The reason for the second of these recommendations is that those who apply and are duly admitted, should, in fairness, bear part of the expense of the preparation for the examinations. If, for. example, all applicants) should withdraw at. the last minute, the University would have been at the expense of printing the examination papers and paying the board of examiners for preparing the questions for those applicants without any charge. The reason for the third recommendation is perhaps obvious enough. It is conceivable that a candidate might present himself at successive examinations until he found one which he could pass. There would be no obstacle to his doing so if his fee were returned whenever he withdrew from examination that he thought he could not pass. BOARD OF EXAMINERS. Several names have been considered by the committee, most of them being names that were first presented in 1903. After careful investigation of the matter, it is the opinion of your committee that it would be wise to appoint Mr. Robert Buchanan, Certified Public Accountant, of the firm of Buchanan, Walton, Joplin & Company, 189 LaSalle street, Chicago. Mr. Buchanan, we understand, is now president of the Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants.. He is acceptable to all its members, and is .highly commended by a considerable number of business men. Accordingly, we recommend him to you for nomination to the board of trustees as a member of the board of examiners in accountancy, if in your judgment, that is best. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. It has not been the custom of your committee to make a financial report, inasmuch as that matter is in the hands of the comptroller. From a statement received from the' chief clerk, dated June 1, 1907, it appears, however, that the balance on July 1, 1906, was $1,596.45; that the receipts from fees to May 4 inclusive were $500.00, making a total of $2,096.45. The expenditures from July 20, 1906, to May 20,1907, inclusive, were $192.58. There are other bills still unpaid, so that the July balance will be considerably less than appears from these figures. It is evident, however, that we have a handsome surplus on hand. Respectfully submitted, DAVID KINLEY, MAURICE H. ROBINSON, W. L. PILLSBURY, Committee on Accountancy. CADET U N I F O R M S ; L A N D P U R C H A S E , The comptroller, Professor S. W. Shattuck, made the following report with regard to making the contract for cadet -uniforms for the two following years:
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