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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TRUSTEES. College of Agriculture Walter Robert Block Samuel Garnett David State Library School 131 Portia Eunice Gilkerson Charles Hubert Oathout Alice Sarah Johnson COMMISSIONS. 3. By the Governor of Illinois these students have been commissioned Brevet Captains in the Illinois National Guard: Burt Thompson Anderson Carlos Merriam Page Francis Cyrus Bagby Guy Derrick Phillips John Dudley Ball • Charles i Stephen Pillsbury James Peter Beck Arthur Evans Ray Walter Robert Block Sidney Benjamin Smith Willard Leo Egy James Albert Strawn Ralph S. Hawley Henry George Treichel Harold DeMotte Hughes Fred H. White Wilfred Lewis Lester Roy Wilson Charles Taylor Moss CERTIFICATES OF QUALIFICATION TO TEACH SUBJECTS NAMED Ora L. Born, English History. Ruth E. Brown, English. Emma B. Connelly, Mathematics. Ethel Crum, German, English Literature. Nelle S. M. Davis, Mathematics. Helen M. Eaton, English. Clara Fallon, Mathematics. Bessie R. Green, Botany, Zoology. Alta Gwinn, English. Alice Howe, English, History. Louise M. Huse, Mathematics. Daisy D. Irwin, Latin, English. Katherine B. Jervis, English. Viola M. Kampf, History, German. Gustave A. Kramer, History. E. S. Lake, English, Latin. Mary H. Lee, English Literature, History. Nellie A. Loomis, Botany, Zoology. Alice E. Maddock, Botany, Zoology. EVa M. McKinnie, Latin, German, English. Mabel D. Moore, Mathematics, German. Anice E. Nichol, History, English Literature. Maud Parsons, Household Science. Adele L. C. Peine, German, English Literature, History. Jessie Ryan, English, German. Imogene Shade, Mathematics, German. Florence B. Sommers, Latin, German. . STREET E A I L W A Y CROSSING T H E C A M P U S . Mr. W. B. McKinley presented a copy of a resolution passed by the General Assembly purposing to give the street railway company the right to cross the University campus and a blue print showing the company's proposed route.
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