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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

120 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 10 Paper B—Concluded. Received. E x p e n d e d Balance. Agricultural Experhnent Station— Feeding" experiments Treatment of orchards Corn experiments Soil examinations $50,000 30,000 30,000 50.000 30,000 00 0u 00 00 00 $50,000 22,069 24,099 45,546 27,907 00 76 70 29 98 $7,930 24 5,900 30 4,453 71 2,092 02 $730 64 $1,766 91 $10,000 00 $4,000 00 $25,000 00 $8,000 00 $3,000 00 $10,000 00 $16,000 00 $6,000 00 $12,000 00 $100,000 00 $10,000 00 $10,00000 $20,000 00 $3,000 00 $1,500 00 Operating Expenses— Closed out Salaries for instruction Salaries for services Academy Administrative offices Advertising - , postage, etc Accredited schools Astronomy Board e x p e n s e Buildings and grounds College of Literature and Arts College of Science Education Debating leagues..-...'. F u r n i t u r e and fixtures Graduate school Heat and light H i g h school conference History Installation printing Library supplies Library school Modern languages National conference of charities and correction Oratorical contests Physical training", men : . $9,269 36 $2,233 09 $25,000 00 • $7,248 20 $3,000 00 $2,636 47 $13,157 97 $5,973 32 $12,000 00 $58,725 09 $9,296 57 $6,370 61 $17,918 33 $2.418 90 $1,500 00 $751 71 $7,363 53 $2,842 03 $26 68 $41,274 91 $703 43 $3,629 39 $2,081 67 $581 10 '.' $ 24,010 07 $ 24,010 07 376,589 50 354,766 73 87,550 63 92,721 27 404 81 564 60 20 80 510 80 340 23 396 26 9,340 19 9,340 19 1,393 98 1.500 00 ' 757 89 1,050 00 3,898 73 4,130 93 520 42 520 42 36,406 07 37,275 76 238 51 300 00 254 70 284 08 386 79 471 25 41 59 100 00 1,700 41 2,964 44 36 50 50 00 200 00 4,864 70 5,124 81 845 55 2,750 00 223 35 1,000 00 55,529 62 59,014 93 17,681 57 17,987 59 923 08 1,012 29 400 00 624 04 1,121 37 1,052 10 1,200 00 1,030 39 1,133 56 218 00 270 71 2,568 44 10,000 00 1,843 16 5,000 00 195 08 600 00 150 00 519 94 552 69 ;... 2,799 21 2,876 19 290 76 419 84 " $21,822 77 5,170 64* 159 79 490 00 56 03 106 02 292 11 232 20 869 69 11 49 29 38 84 46 58 41 1,264 03 13 50 200 00 260 11 1,904 45 776 65 3,485 31 306 02 89 21 400 00 497 33 147 90 103 17 52 71 7,431 56 3,156 84 404 92 150 00 32 75 76 98 129 08
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