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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PEOOEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TRUSTEES. Paper A—Concluded. Appropriated. ny Expended. Balance. Sundries—Concluded. Summer session Accountancy Chicago cold storage Rebates to students -. W o m a n ' s H all *_ School of music Edward Snyder fund, principal Edward Snyder fund, interest. Ceramics receipts..._ Furniture and fixtures The Technograph ., Water survey receipts Adams fund Agricultural College equipment receipts Nutrition investigation Overdraft 1,000 00 1,721 45 1,036 25 4,000 00 250 00 1,000 00 3,051 32 600 00 855 00 1,554 94 67 45 1,250 00 5,250 00 8,819 59 5,000 00 23 68 $157,608 73 873 64 129 77 890 88 2,331 85 159 82 1,000 00 3,075 00 600 00 150 00 320 98 67 45 985 73 126 36 1,591 68 145 37 1,668 15 90 18 705 00 1,233 96 1,250 4,264 8,819 5,000 00 27 59 00 . $72,745 24 $84,863 49 P A P E R B—STATE APPROPRIATIONS. March 31, 1907. Received. E x p e n d e d Balance. 1901-1903. Taxes on Minnesota lands 1903—1905. Vaccine laboratory. 1905-1907. Apparatus and material— Chemistry Applied chemistry Geology Zoology Physiology Botany Psychology $1,500 00 950 00 200 00 150 00 700 00 2,000 00 500 00 16,000 001 $2,000 00 $2,000 00 $3,000 00 1,095 27 $1,904 73 $1,5C0 00 758 30 51 22 150 00 700 001 1.821 82 440 28I $5,421 62[ $191 70 148 78 178 18 59 72 $578 38 Engineering Extension— College in general Mechanical laboratory General engineering d r a w i n g . . . . Architecture Mechanical e n g i n e e r i n g Physics Laboratory applied m e c h a n i c s . . . Electrical engineering...Civil engineering E n g i n e e r i n g E x p e r i m e n t Station Interest on endowment— Agricultural College. General; ! 6,000 00 ! 4,081 67 $ 1,918 33 12,000 00 12,000 00 1,000 00 874 66 125 34 5.0C0 00 24,000 00 11,000 00 9,000 00 11,000 CO 5,500 00 65,500 00 4,091 62 20,566 25 .7,997 " 6,914 15 10,195 54 5,500 001 45,863 85 908 38 3,433 75 3,002 34 2 085 85 804 46 19,636 15 $150,000 00 $118,085 40] $31,914 60 $31,415 42 31,415 42 $62,830 84 $29,049 21 $31,138 " $60,187 60 $99,975 77 $2,366 21 277 03 $2,643 24 $24 23 Agricultnral College equipment. $100,000 00
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