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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PEOOEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TEUSTEES. 117 Treasurer's Dr. Report—Concluded. 15|Received from Ft. Dearborn National Bank, Chicago, on account of School of Pharmacy warrant, N o . 56, paid as $139.08, should be $138.09, for credit of School of Pharmacy fund ; $ 0 99 16|Received from College of Medicine, for credit of Col-| lege of Medicine fund 1,327 23 17| Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School of Pharmacy fund 210 00 18|Received from United States Treasurer U. S. Agricultural Appropriation under the Adams Act, for credit of 1,750 00 General fund 19| Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School of Pharmacy fund 190 0d 231 Received from College of Medicine, for credit of Col-1 lege of Medicine fund 1,046 06 231 Received from State Treasurer for credit of general fund 130,000 00 28| Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School of Pharmacy fund : 162 00| 29| Received from College of Medicine, for credit of Col2,272 75 lege of Medicine fund 31|Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School| of Pharmacy fund 130 00| 11 Received from College of Medicine, for credit of College of Medicine fund 2,223 46 l|Received from College of Dentistry for credit of College of Medicine fund , 988 50 2|Received from College of Medicine, for credit of College of Medicine fund ;...'. .. ... 1,063 39| 2|Received from School of Dentistry for credit of Collegej of Medicine fund 997 95 5|Received from College of Medicine for credit of College of Medicine fund ....;... 1,995 84 Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School| of Pharmacy fund 215 00 Received from College of Medicine for credit of College of Medicine fund , 1,850 65 Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School of Pharmacy fund 92 00 Received from College of Medicine for credit of College •of Medicine fund 2,545 00| 13|Received from College of Medicine for credit of College of Medicine fund 1,192 15 161Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School of Pharmacy fund : 70 00 19|Received from College of Medicine for credit of College of Medicine fund 1,347 50| 211 Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 125 89 of Pharmacy fund 15,000 001 28 Received from O. K. Staples for credit of general fund.. 28|Received from O.tE. Staples, for credit of Agricultural 115 82 Experiment Station 28| Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School| 70 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from College of Medicine, for credit of College of Medicine fund 1,847 37 R e c e i v e d from College of Dentistry for credit of College 2,002 55 of Medicine fund .... Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 215 00j of Pharmacy fund Received from College of Medicine, for credit of College of Medicine fund 1,325 81 Received from College of Medicine, for credit of Col lege of Medicine fund 1,607 001 10,000 00 Received from O. E. Staples for credit of general fund. 131 Received from O. E. Staples, for credit of general fund. 15,000 001 141 Received from College of Dentistry, for credit of College 690 00 of Medicine fund.,,. Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 100 00 of Pharmacy fund 10,000 00 19 Received from O. E. Staples for credit of general fund 221Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 108 00 of Pharmacy fund ; 23| Received from College of Medicine for credit of College 819 00 of Medicine fund Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School ' 4 0 00 of Pharmacy fund , $646,564 84
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