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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. LIBRARY AND WOMAN'S H A L L OPEN SUNDAYS. 99 Mrs. Busey, from the committee of Students' Welfare, reported that the Library had been open Sunday afternoons since the end of the holiday recess, and that the attendance had been quite large. She also reported that the opening 6f Woman's Hall Sunday afternoons was delayed somewhat on account of the diphtheria scare, and that since it had been open the attendance had been small, though increasing somewhat of late. STANDING COMMITTEES. President Abbott has reported to the secretary the following list of standing committees for the ensuing year: Agriculture—Fred. L. Hatch, chairman; Mrs. Mary E. Busey, George H. Madden. Buildings and Grounds—William L. Abbott, chairman; Mrs. Carrie T. Alexander, Mrs. Laura B. Evans, Lewis L. Lehman, George H. Madden. Finance—Alexander McLean, chairman; George H. Madden, Lewis L. Lehman. Instruction—Frank G. Blair, chairman; Mrs. Mary E. Busey, Dr. Charles Davison. Publication—Mrs. Laura B. Evans, chairman; Frank G. Blair, Dr. Charles Davison. Library—Mrs. Carrie T. Alexander, chairman; Frank G. Blair, Fred. L. Hatch. Student's Welfares-Mrs Mary E. Busey, chairman; Mrs. Carrie T. Alexander, Mrs. Laura B. Evans. School of Pharmacy—Br. Charles Davison, chairman; Alexander McLean, William L. Abbott. College of Medicine—Dr. Charles Davison, chairman; William L. Abbott, Alexander McLean. Engineering—Lewis L. Lehman, chairman; William L* Abbott, Fred L. Hatch. The board adjourned, . W. L. ABBOTT, W. L. PILLSBURY, Secretary. President.
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