Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

98 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [March 19 The secretary, Mr. Pillsbury, called the meeting to order, and stated that, as the board was now without a president, the first thing in order was to elect one to fill the vacancy. Mrs. Evans nominated Mr. Abbott, and there being no other nominations the secretary was instructed to cast the vote of the board for Mr. Abbott; this was done. Mr. Abbott was declared elected, and took the chair. On motion of Dr. Davison, Mr. Abbott was appointed a member and chairman of the standing Committee on Buildings and Grounds, the other members to be appointed by the president of the board. I N MEMORY .OF M R . KERRIOK. In the death of Leonidas H. Kerrick the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois has lost one of its most faithful and useful members. At its annual meeting on March 12, 1907, the board showed its appreciation of his services and its confidence in his ability by making* him its unanimous choice for president of the board. His sudden and unexpected death came as a great shock to his associates, and they wish to express by these words their feeling that his death has deprived them of an earnest, influential co-worker and the University of one of its best friends. It is our further desire to extend to his mother and wife and daughter the heartfelt sympathy of this board of trustees. F. G. BI,AIR, MBS. CARRIE T. ALEXANDER, MRS. LAURA B. EVANS, On motion of Mrs. Alexander a committee was appointed to prepare and present a minute in memory of Mr. Kerrick. The president appointed on this committee Mr. Blair, Mrs. Alexander, and Mrs. Evans. The following minute reported by the committee was adopted: Committee. DEAN OF WOMEN. On motion of Dr. Davison the Committee on Students' Welfare was requested to look for suitable persons to fill the place of'Dean of Women in the University, and to refer to President James the names of any whom they may deem worthy of consideration. ANNUAL KEPOETS. - The secretary was instructed to dispose of surplus reports. METHOD OF TRANSACTING UNIVERSITY BUSINESS. The secretary was instructed to ascertain and report to the board in what way business is conducted in other Universities, especially iti the making of purchases.