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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 97 Meeting of March 19, 1907. The startling information came to the University the morning of the 13th inst. that Hon. L. H. Kerrick, who had the day before been elected president of the board of trustees, had just been found dead in his bed. The necessity for a special meeting of the board was at once evident, and later in the day four members who were still in Urbana, and Mr. Lehman, with whom he talked by telephone, instructed the secretary to issue the following call: Upon the call of five members of Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois there will be a special meeting" of the board at the University at 9:00 o'clock a. m., Tuesday, March 19, inst., to elect a president and transact other business presented. At a conference held by those members of the board who attended the funeral of Mr. Kerrick at Bloomington, Saturday, the 16th inst., it was ascertained that it would not be possible for a quorum of the members to attend the meeting at the University on the 19 th, and that it was probable if the meeting were adjourned to Chicago that a quorum would attend, and it was agreed that this course should be taken. Members of the board not present at Bloomington were notified by the secretary of the change in plans. Accordingly when the time named in the call came there were pres^ ent, at the usual place of meeting at the University, only Mrs. Busey and the secretary, Mr. Pillsbury. The meeting was duly called to order by the secretary. On motion of Mrs. Busey the board adjourned to meet at the Palmer House in Chicago, at 9:00 o'clock a. m. Wednesday, March 20, 1907. W. L. PILLSBURY, Secretary. Adjourned Session, March 20, 1907. When the board met at the Palmer House in Chicago, pursuant to adjournment, there were present Messrs. Abbott, Blair, Davison, Madden and Mrs. Alexander, Mrs Evans and Mrs. Busey; absent Governor Deneen and Messrs. Hatch, Lehman and, McLean. President James was absent. —7 U
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