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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

94 U N I V E E S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . P A P E R F—SCHOOL O F PHARMACY. [Mar. 12 Appropriated. Expended. Balance. December 31, 1906. Salaries Buildings and grounds Fuel and light Stationery and printing Laboratories Library Incidentals Advertising Furniture and fixtures Unassigned $2,848 37 2,953 08| 458 51 101 231 1,274 79 1 07 374 15 694 181 85 82 208 80 $9,000 00 $2,848 37 2,953 08 458 51 101 23 1,274 79 1 07 374 15 694 18 85 82 $8,791 20 , , PAPER G—COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Appropriated. Expended. Balance. December 31, 1906, Salaries for instruction Salaries for services Buildings and grounds F u e l and lights. Stationery and printing Laboratories Library Apparatus and materials Incidentals Advertising f u r n i t u r e and fixtures Sundries College of Dentistry— Instruction Services General Unassigned \ 6,598 13 $6,598 13 8,419 32 '8,419 32 13,082 20 13,082 20 1,957 35 1,957 35 860 23 860 23 1,233 37 1,233 37 355 60 355 60 2,391 89 2,391 89 930 91 930 91 1,967 21 1 * 6 21 ,97 48 94 48 94 903 75 903 75, 4,455 00 940 00 2,644 80 3,211 30 4,455 00 940 00 2,644 80 , 3,211; $46,788 70 $3,211 $50,000 00 P A P E R I — A P P R O P R I A T I O N S F O R T H E T H R E E M O N T H S E N D I N G J U N E 30, 1907. Board expense Salaries for instruction Salaries for services Buildings and grounds F u e l , light and electric power Stationery and printing Advertising, postage and catalogues Departments Laboratories Incidentals .Furniture and fixtures Heating apparatus Millitary and band scholarships Blue printing School of Pharmacy College of Medicine $ 800 00 70,000 00 12,000 00 3,000 00 11,000 00 1,000 00 4,000 00| 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 2,000 001 2,500 00 500 00 $111,300 00 4,000 00 20,000 00 24,000 00 $135,300 00
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