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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

92 UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS. [Mar. 12 Paper B—Continued. Received. Expended. Operating Expenses—Concluded. Botany Buildings and grounds College of Literature and Arts College of Science Education Debating leagues Furniture and fixtures Geology H eating apparatus H i g h School conference History Illini and Illio Library supplies.. Library Lectures Modern languages National Conference of Charities and Correction Oratorical contest Physical training, m e n Psychology Political science Physiology Purchasing Agent's office Philosophy Stationery and printing South Campus Gymnasium Span ish book University Studies Zoology Unassigned .'.. Balance. $ .' » , •; 520 42 $ 520 42 32,707 88 32,707 88 60 74 300 00 239 26 $ 58 75' 284 08 225" 33 185 51 471 25 285 74 100 00 32 59 67 41 1,479 36 2,964 44 1,485 08 30 25 50 00 19 75 200 00 200 00 4,133 31 4,133 31 2,648 62 2,750 00 101 38 950 43 1,000 00 49 57 43,570 16 43,570 16 16,735 45 16,735 45 100 36 911 93 1,012 29 400 00 400 00 178 56 9i2 81 1,121 37 400 00 400 00 1,042 26 1,200 00 157 74 1,133 56 124 88 1,008 68 270 71 79 48 191 23 10,000 00 10,000 00 5,000 00 1,260 66 3,739 34 600 00 453 17 146 83 150 00 150 00 352 69 552 69 200 00 2,876 19 2,448 90 427 29 419 84 275 46 144 38 550 00 390 17 159 83 500 00 125 00 375 00 1,264 83 1,264 83 50 00 1 75 48 25 150 00 150 00 250 00 250 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 64 70 64 70 7,007 02 7,007 02 237 04 534 20 297 16 317 04 182 96 500 00 214 20 1,200 00 985 80 342 80 360 74 17 94 18,830 46 18,830 46 $46,245 15 $2,751 67 $570,000 00 $523,754 85 $100,000 00 -Agricultural Experiment Station— F e e d i n g experiments T r e a t m e n t of orchards Corn experiments Soil examination Dairy investigations $97,248 33 ., $50,000 30,000 30,000 50,000 30,000 00 00 00 00 00 $45,656 20,138 20,592 40,322 22,770 92 62 79 71 20 $4,343 9,861 9,407 9,677 7,229 08 38 21 29 80 Appropriated. Expended Balance. 1905-1907 $10,000 00 $4,000 00 $25,000 00 $8,000 00 $3,000 00 $8,948 29 $805 32 $22,300 94 $5,593 49 $2,636 97 $1,051 71 $3,194 68 $2,699 06 $2,406 51 $363 03
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