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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOAED OP TRUSTEES. Paper A—Concluded. Appropriated. Expended 91 Balance. Sundries—Concluded. R ebates to students W o m a n ' s hall School of music Edward Snyder fund Edward Snyder fund, interest Ceramics '. Furn iture and fixtures Treatment of Orchards receipts Water Survey receipts Adams fund Agricultural college receipts •. ' . $ 4,000 00 $ 498 84 $ 3,501 16 250 00 107 07 142 93 1,000 00 953 24 46 76 1,625 00 1,625 00 600 00 300 00 300 00 855 00 150 00 705 00 161 05 161 05 647 47 12 00 635 47 1,000 00 1,000 00 3.500 00 3,500 00 6,864 52 6,864 52 $85,727 23 $39,624 10 $46,103 13 P A P E R B—STATE APPROPRIATIONS. Received. E x p e n d e d Balance. 1901—1903 $2,000 00 1903—1905 $3,000 00 1905-1907. Apparatus and materials— Chemistry... Applied chemistry Geology Zoology Physiology Botany $1,500 00 950 00 200 00 150 00 700 00 2,000 00 500 00 $6,000 00 Engineering extension— College in general Mechanical laboratory General engineering drawing Architecture Laboratory applied mechanics Physics Electrical engineering Engineering experiment station Civil engineering $ 8,500 00 12,000 00 1,000 00 5,000 00 24,000 00 9,000 00 11,000 00 9,500 00 65,000 00 5,000 00 $150,000 00 Interest on endowment— Agricultural College General. 1905-1907. Operating Expenses— Closed out Salaries for instruction Salaries for services Administrative offices Art and design Advertising, postage, etc Accredited schools Astronomy $23,452 60 23,462 59 $46,915 19 $1,311 55 658 46 51 22 150 00 318 86 1,475 17 336 31 $4,301 57 $ 188 45 291 54 148 78 381 14 524 83 163 69 $1,698 43 $570 27 $2,429 73 $2,000 00 ! , $ 3,060 31 $ 5,439 69 11,203 53 796 47 863 53 136 47 2,650 74 2,349 26 19,258 54 4.741 46 6,287 20 2,712 80 5,739 76 5,260 24 9,407 83 92 17 31,909 98 33,090 02 4,660 74 339 26 $95,042 16 $23,671 64 23,462 59 $47,134 23 $54,957 84 $ 22,345 24 $ 22,345 24 298,148 35 298,148 35 71,098 66 71,098 66 564 60 189 01 $ 510 80 20 80 ;... 396 26 336 98 8,489 25 8,489 25 1,500 00 1,146 90 1,050 00 656 83 3,611 25 3,099 86 375 59 490 00 59 28 353 10 393 17 511 39
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