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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Exhibit A—Concluded. CASH ENTRIES J U L Y l, 1906. TO D E C E M B E R 31, 1906. WARRANT ENTRIES J U L Y 1, 1906, TO D E C E M B E R 31, 1906. TRIAL BALANCE D E C E M B E R 31, 1906. TRIAL BALANCE J U L Y l, 1906. ACCOUNT. Dr. W o m a n ' s hall U . S . fund general ... U. S. Agricultural College fund School of Pharmacy College of Medicine U. S. Agricultural Ex periment Station. State appropriations 1903-05 . .. Operating expenses ... E n g i n e e r i n g equipment . . Interest on endowment fund Agricultural College equipment. F e e d i n g experiments . . T r e a t m e n t of orchards .. Corn experiments Soil examinations Shop practice Cabinets .. Apparatus and material . . . Library Water survey Fire protection Drains, fences and repairs . . School of Commerce School of Music Teachers and institutes. Auditorium . Ceramics L a w building equipment Chemical Laboratory equipment W e l l equipment Telephone exchange Cash account O. E. Staples, chief clerk . . :•. • Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. $ 107 07 12,500 00 6,819 96 8,791 20 46,788 70 7,491 23 412 47 2,'480 64 167,095 47 37,535 78 24,200 81 68,720 03 20,918 21 6,791 12 8,725 55 14,696 86 11,850 54 3,269 62 805 32 1.480 06 5,602 90 3,336 52 1.474 32 786 27 3,598 41 2,171 66 2,349 84 37,050 14 3,007 64 827 95 6,023 46 383 96 531 85 Cr. Dr. $ 107 07 2,304 08 Cr. $5,521 30 $5,231 60 1,861 57 6,930 37 $12,500 00 12,500 00 12,008 42 45,644 52 7,500 00 644 04 220,000 00 75,000 00 15,721 38 50,000 00 25,000 00 15,000 00 15,00000 25,000 00 15,000 00 5,000 00 • 2,000 00 3,000 00 4,000 00 1,500 00 5,000 00 8,000 00 3,000 00 6,000 00 5,000 00 10.000 00 $6,463 88 13,332 15 $ 5,680 04 4,087 8 2,093 4,429 46,245 54,957 42 77 14 73 15 84 6,659 38 625 85 678 67 17,493 62 8,260 39 21,471 70 261 29 1,652 50 3,132 76 4,080 34 219 04 2,666 66 . 471 17 78 46 1,038 92 13,332 15 178 49 8,301 96 1,743 03 337 35 3,307 25 1,182 63 . . . .. .. * . 83,855 87 5,534 32 969 61 658 24 6.463 88 2,751 67 4,343 08 9,861 38 9,407 21 9,677 29 7,229 80 1,051 71 3,194 68 1,698 43 2,699 06 2,406-51 363 03 7,520 98 5,584 22 828 34 3,178 99 46,805 73 1,913 90 4,706 37 2,937 62 585 65 126 39 $256,059 75 $256,059 75 $702,560 79 $702,560 79 $558,142 59 $558,142 59 $383,930 28 $383,930 28
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