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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

EXHIBIT A—STATEMENT SHOWING T R I A L BALANCE AT T H E BEGINNING AND ENDING O F P E R I O D W I T H P E R I O D J U L Y 1, 1906, T O D E C E M B E R 31, 1906. CASH AND WARRANT ENTRIES- so o TRIAL BALANCE J U L Y 1, 1906. ACCOUNT. WARRANT ENTRIES CASH ENTRIES J U L Y 1, 1906. T R I A L BALANCE J U L Y 1, 1906. D E C E M B E R 31,-1906. TO TO D E C E M B E R 31,1906. D E C E M B E R 31, 1906. Dr. H . A . H a u g a n , Treasurer Students 1 deposits Current account „ Salaries, instruction Salaries, services ' Buildings and grounds Heat and light Academy Stationery and printing Agricultural College Departments Laboratories Library and apparatus Interest on land contracts Incidentals Edward Snyder fund interest Edward Snyder fund. Soil examination receipts Water survey receipts Ceramic receipts ., F e e d i n g experiment receipts Chicago cold storage U* S. A d a m s fund , Treatment orchard receipts Corn experiment receipts Dairy investigation receipts A l u m n i record Agricultural e q u i p m e n t receipts. School of Music Accountancy Blueprinting Furniture and fixtures Inaug'ration Rebates to students Summer school Library of congress cards $218,829 32 Cr. Dr. $696,096 91 Cr. $46,717 26 $8,966 471 37,080 25 524 88 407 92 5,330 00 o O El $558,142 59 $356,783 64 $8," 966* 47 2 83,797 51 !3 2,080 431 $2,080 43 Q Dr. Cr. 1,469 893 280 4,117 62 8,924 3,621 9,897 39 1,642 300 1,625 423 01 04 27 55 501 47 021 92 95 07 001 00 21 1,469 01 368 16 GQ Dr. Cr. * "i2765 1,212 45 62 50 1,838 20 9,593 61 1,415 71 2 ^ H3 11,386 58 3,824 53 343 17 250 00 555 00 6,554 16 500 00 647 47 2,543 68 687 37 5,853 72 ' 1,596" 45 5,000 001 11,082 44 1,782 82 304 311 100 00 424 22 226 36 424 21 5,748 55 528 19 750 00 300 00 818 18 510 00 8,500 00 1,010 86 165 29 958 501 1,010 80 400 00 25 00 1,096 56 4 121 30 10! 1,700 25 150 00 735 21 642 47 12 00' 13.544 55 ffi EJ 60'05 g 424 22 g * "i24*2i S . 299 02 ° 448 15 o 1,000 00 hrj 705 00 3 6,637 13 g 367 53 2 3,500 00 g 635 47 H 3,554 54 H 852 66 H 958 50 ?° 6,864 52 "i," 517*74 253 98 953 103 842 161 24 71 58 05 553 24 156 93 498*84 "15*94 498 84 25 55 15 94] 3o'io "i'674*70 oo
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