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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

86 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [March 9 EXHIBIT C—RECONCILEMENT O F CASH BOOK BALANCE TO CLOSE OF BUSINESS F E B . 28, 1907 ( E N D O F A U D I T ) . Balance as per cash book'of E. O. Staples, chief clerk, December 31, 1906 Sundry cash book receipts January, 190").. Sundry cash book receipts February, 1907 Paid to H . A. H a u g a n , treasurer, during J a n u a r y , 1907.. Paid to H. A. H a u g a n , treasurer, during February, 1907. Bank balance as per pass book F e b . 28,1907 Currency and checks on hand Tickets in drawer—bills paid $1,926 63 4,133 14 $167,497 03 17,195 00 $159,580 87 15,115 82 $11,978 15 6,059 77 $ 6,463 88 184,692 03 $191,155 91 174,696 19 $16,459 72 Less students' deposits.. Cash over , $18,037 92 1,229 71 $16,808 21 E X H I B I T D — R E C O N C I L E M E N T O F B A L A N C E O F H . A. H A U G A N , TREASURER. Treasurer's books show balance on hand June 30, 1906. Geneial fund College of Medicine School of Pharmacy U. S. Agricultural Experiment Station Receipts July 1 to December 31, 1906— General fund College of Medicine School of Pharmacy U. S. Agricultural Experiment Station $262,107 47 10,310 88 203 60 4,804 72 $277,426 67 $630,415 75 45,644 52 12,008 42 8,028 22 696,096 91 $973,523 58 Warrants Paid Jtdy 1 to December 31, 1906— U. S. Agricultural Experiment Station $493,613 71 48,381 65 8,558 93 9,632 70 $398,909 51 7,573 75 3,653 09 3,200 24 560,186 99 $113,336 59 School of Pharmacy U. S. Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station Warrants outstanding unpaid, December 31, School of Pharmacy U. S. Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t a l Station, Less a m o u n t as shown on previous report Balance of H.A. Haugan's acconnt as per books of 0. E. Staples, 1906. $51,103 4,467 952 964 62 23 24 44 $57,487 53 934 68 $ 56,552 85 356,783 64 413,336 49 $0.10
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