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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

82 UNIVERSITY O F I L L I N O I S . [Mar. 12 TREASURER'S REPORT. The secretary presented the treasurer's report, for the quarter ending December 31,1906, which was referred to the Finance Committee. H . A. H A U G A N , T R E A S U R E R , I N A C C O U N T W I T H T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F I L L I N O I S , D E C . 31, 1906. 1906 September October Dr. 30| Balance per last statement !,619 22 1 Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School! of Pharmacy fund $ 125 00 1 Received from College of Medicine for credit of College! of Medicine fund 2,997 89 1 Received from School of Dentistry for credit of College of Medicine fund 6.68 5o| 21Received from College of Medicine for credit of College of Medicine fund 1,400 00 • 2 Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 245 00 of Pharmacy fund.. 3J Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 120 001 of Pharmacy fund 3 Received from College of Medicine for credit of College 4,758 00 of Medicine fund , 5 Received from College of Medicine for credit of College 1,829 00 of Medicine fund •. , 5| Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 460 00 of Pharmacy fund 5 Received from College of Medicine for credit of College 2,915 00 of M edicine fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 215 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from College of Medicine, for credit of Col 1,730 70 lege of Medicine fund * Received from United States Treasurer, quarterly ap 3,750 00 propriation for Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station Received from College of Medicine, for credit of Col 2,438 90 lege of Medicine fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 140 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 215 00] of Pharmacy fund Received from College of Medicine, for credit of Col1,648 44 lege of Medicine fund. , Received from College of Dentistry for credit of College 358 40I of Medicine fund 10,000 00 Received from O. E. Staples for credit of general fund.-. Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 175 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 115 00 of Pharmacy fund 4 Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School] 235 00| of Pharmacy fund Received from College of Medicine, for credit of Col1,273 25 lege of Medicine f und. 20,000 001 Received from O. E. Staples, for credit of general fund Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 150 00 * of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 145 Oo| of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 237 51 of Pharmacy fund November Received from College of Medicine, for credit of College 320 31 of Medicine fund Received from School of Dentistry for credit of College 1,501 95 of Medicine fund Received dividend on Michigan State T e l e p h o n e Com 15 001 pany stock Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 165 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 110 00, of Pharmacy fund ...:.... Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 160 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from College of Medicine, for credit of Col-| 798 40 lege of Medicine fund. 10,000 00| Received from O. E. Staples for credit of general fund.
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