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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

76 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [Mar. 12 Meeting of March 12, 1907. The regular annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the University in Urbana, March 12, 1907. When the board met, the following members were present: Messrs. Abbott, Blair, Bullard, Davison, Kerrick, Lehman, Madden and Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Evans, and Mrs. Busey; absent, Governor Deneen and Mr. McLean. President James was present. The minutes of the meetings of December 11,1906 and January 22, 1907 were presented by the secretary and approved as printed. Mr. Bullard, the retiring president, then withdrew. W. L. Pillsbury, secretary, called the board to order. He announced that Mrs. Alexander and Messrs. Hatch and Lehman, who had been elected members of the board at the regular election in November, 1906, had taken the prescribed oath of office and stated that the first business in order was the election of a president for the ensuing year. Mr. Abbott nominated Mr. Kerrick for president, and, there being no other nominations, the secretary was directed to cast the ballot of the board for Mr. Kerrick. This was done, and Mr. Kerrick took the chair. W. L. Pillsbury was elected corresponding and recording secretary and registrar for the ensuing year, on motion of Mrs. Busey. Mr. Helge A. Haugan was elected treasurer for the ensuing two years, and it was voted that his bond should be fixed at one million dollars, the same to be approved by the Finance Committee. On motion of Dr. Davison, Mr. Lehman and Mrs. Alexander were elected to constitute with the president of the board the Executive Committee. President E. J. James was elected president of the University for the ensuing two years. Professor S. W. Shattuck was elected comptroller for the ensuing year. Mr. O. E. Staples was elected chief clerk in the business office for the ensuing year, at a salary of $1600. His bond was fixed at $20,000, the same to be approved by the Finance Committee and paid for out of University funds.
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