Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1906 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1906J , PEOCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 375 I estimate that the cost of the items given below will be approximately as indicated: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Air compressor Electric motor for coal and ash conveyer Electric motor for wood shop Electric generator, direct current, for power plant Tunnel mains for direct current generator W a t e r meters for boiler room W a t t m e t e r s for buildings Preparations of plans for extension of plant Installation of Paul system in laboratory Thermostatic control for fan system Total $1,200 00 350 00 160 00 1,200 00 350 00 350 00 250 00 250 00 50 00 100 00 $4,260 00 I recommend that authority be granted for the purchase and installation of the above apparatus. Respectfully submitted, L. P. BRECKENRIDGE, Professor of Mechanical Engineering. O n motion of M r . Abbott, $6,660.00 was appropriated to meet these requests with regard to the heat, light and power plant, the sum to be expended at the discretion of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. ACCOUNTANCY. T h e special committee to which was referred certain papers in the case of Eric Everett, candidate for the C. P . A. degree, made the following report. URBANA, June 11, 1906. To the Board of Trustees: Your special committee, appointed to ascertain the time which Eric Everett has been a public accountant, reports that he was doing the work of public accountant for the Consumers Company and other corporations previous to July 1, 1899. Respectfully submitted, CHARLES DAVISON, Chairman. T h e report was laid on the table for future consideration. T h e Board adjourned to meet at 9:00 o'clock a. m., Tuesday, M A T T E R S P R E S E N T E D BY P R E S I D E N T JAMES. , LAND FOR USE OP MILITARY DEPARTMENT. 4. I submit herewith a request from the head of the Military Department for the assignment of the field south of the experiment fields and east of Mathews avenue and north of the Agronomy building, extending to the forestry, for the purposes of military drill. Voted that such assignment be made. LAND FOR USE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. 5. I submit herewith a request from Professor Baker for permission to use the campus of the University for the purposes of the Department of Civil Engineering: URBANA, ILLINOIS, May 29, 1906, "Edmund J. James, President of the University of Illinois: "DEAR SIR—In accordance with our verbal conference of a few days ago, I beg to submit the following requests: "1. That the Civil Engineering Department be permitted to use the area between the Chemistry building and the Woman's building for field practice in surveying.