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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1897.] P R O C E E D I N G S O F BOARD O F T R U S T E E S . 81 F a r m fund. 530 00 $1,495 22 $34 PAPER F—SCHOOL OF PHARMACY. For the quarter ending December 31,1896. Salaries for i n s t r u c t i o n . Salaries for services Buildings and g r o u n d s . . F u e l and lights Stationery and printing, F u r n i t u r e and fixtures .. Laboratories .. Incidentals Sundries Advertising Museum Appropriated. $2.250 00 750 00 Expended, $1,928 491 1,954 01 750 00J 370 161 Balance. $321 51 45 33 3 61 608 £9 b8 42 84 65 2.000 00! 403 54 100 00 100 00 1,000 00 220 23 208 52 1,096 46 25 00 8,153 75 96 58 38 16 391 3? 220 23 150 54 1,096 46 1 25 57 98 23 75 :6,997 231 1,156 52 Paper G is an estimate of receipts and expenses for the six months ending June 30, 1897. Paper H is a list of appropriations the Board is requested to malte for the three months ending June 30, 1897. Paper J is a statement of receipts for the three months ending December 31, 1896. Paper K is a list of general University vouchers presented for audit, being 501 to 1,200, inclusive. Paper L is a list of Laboratory of Natural History vouchers presented for audit, being 97 to 161, inclusive. Paper M is a list of Agricultural Experiment Station vouchers presented for audit, being 78 to 200, inclusive. Paper N is a list of School of Pharmacy vouchers presented for audit, being 39 to 102, inclusive. Paper 0 is a bill of court expenses presented by Cunningham & Boggs. Paper P is a statement and request in regard to the sale and purchase of several machines for the mechanical department. Paper Q is a showing of the condition of the past due payments on land contracts January 20, 1897. All holders of these contracts were informed that all past due interest should be paid or secured, if the contracts were to continue in force. About $1,000.00 in interest has been collected by the Treasurer since the notification. What further action shall be taken in the matter 1 Respectfully submitted, S. W. SHATTUCK,- Business Manager. Papers K, L, M, and N, with vouchers, were referred to the Committee on Finance. The matter of the land contracts was referred to the Finance Committee and Business Manager, with power to act. —6 U. I.
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