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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1896.] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. PAPER G—UNITED STATES FUND. 59 Received. Expended. Balance. Assigned. Year ending June 30,1891, Salaries for instruction Unassigned $20,000 00 2,000 00 $22,000 00 $7,934 89 $7,934 89 $12,065 11 2,000 00 $14,065 11 $12,065 11 $12,065 lit PAPER D—LABORATORY OP NATURAL HISTORY. Received. Expended. Balance. Assigned. For the years 1895-1897. General balance J u l y 1, 1896 Salaries Field, office, etc Library Bulletins Report of entomologist Contagious diseases of insects $246 73 3,650 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 500 00 250 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 $10,146 73 $770 82 230 76 157 16 102 65 35 00 530 81 1,497 28 $3,324 48 $246 73 2,879 18 1,269 24 842 84 397 35 215 00 969 19 2 72 $6,822 25 $246 73" 2,879 1& 1,269 24 842 84 397 35 215 00 969 19 2 72 $6,822 25- PAPER E—AGRICULTURAL. EXPERIMENT STATION. Appropriated. Expended. For the quarter ending September Salaries Labor Publications Freight and express Chemical supplies Seeds, plants, s u n d r i e s Library Tools and machinery F u r n i t u r e and fixtures Scientific a p p a r a t u s . Live stock T r a v e l i n g expenses Contingent expenses . 30,1896. $1,927 45 908 92 452 25 25 36 47 12 113 55 95 18 42 08 30 38 13 10 50 00 29 73 14 88 $3,750 00 $1,927 45. 908 92 452 25> 25 36 47 12 113 55* 95 18 42 08 30 38. 13 1ft 50 00 29 7& 14 88:, 750 00-
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