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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY.OF ILLINOIS. [Dec. & Paper B—State Appropriations—Concluded. Received. Expended. Balance. Assigned. Salaries, etc.—Concluded. Mechanical laboratory Furnishing1 and iitting Astronomical Observatory Unassigned Apparatus and materials— Closed chemistry Appliedout Chemistry Psychology Zoology Physiology and hygiene Botany and horticulture Geology Unassigned Operating Biological Experiment Taxes on Minnesota lands $150 00 150 00 9,080 00 400 00 300 00 50.070 00 $5,787- 40 34 94 $150 00 150 00 3,292 60 365 06 300 00 50,070 00 $73,538 66 $100 00 372 76 80 91 329 41 511 38 298 61 400 00 300 00 520 00 $2,913 07 $1,460 09 $150 150 3*292 365 00* 00 60 06 300 00 $23,468 66. $100 66 372 7680 91 329 41 511 38 238 61 400 00 300 00$2,393 07 $1,4^0 09' $180.000 00 $106,461 34 $1,400 00 100 0) 700 00 300 00 800 00 800 00 680 00 400 00 300 00 520 00 $6,000 00 $1,400 00 327 24 219 09 470 59 288 62 381 39 *. $3,086 93 $1.539 91 $2,500 00 $3,200 00 $9,236 91 $10,572 70 $1,911 98 Station $3,000 00 $2,500 00 $3.200 00 $9,300 00 $15,000 00 Biological Experiment Station equipment $63 09 $4,427 30 $88 02 $63 09$4,427 30 $88 02' Laboratory of Vegetable Physiology Library Hall Fire protection Cabinets— Geology General Unassigned $2,000 00 $150,000 00 $2,000 00 $6.000 00 $42,835 05 $107.164 95 $107,164 95 $1,145 30 $3,207. 87 $351 05 $854 70 $2,792 13 $48 95 600 00 1,000 00 $1,648 95 $854 70 $2,792 13$48 95 600 0O $648 95- ' $400 00 600 00 1,000 00 $2,000 00 $351 05 $17,008 2,655 2.861 1,233 04 96 51 56 College of Engineering— Machine shop Mechanical engineering ". Electrical engineering and physics Civil engineering Laboratory of Applied Mechanics and Municipal and Sanitary Engineering.. College of Engineering Furnishing and Fitting Engineering Hall— Electric wiring Civil engineering Archil ecture Mechanical department Electrical engineering and physics College library, parlor, etc Shop practice ' $17,008 3,104 3,829 1,852 04 85 85 42 44S 89 968 34 618 86 1,539 36 476 61 356 43 $4,408 49 448 89> 968 34 618 86 1,539 36> 476 61 356 43 $4,408 49- 1,852 42 1,752 42 600 00 $30,000 00 $1,191 77 478 43 770 38 401 30 563 78 1,193 39 400 95 $5,000 00 $3.000 00 $5,000 00 313 06 1,275 81 243 57 $25,591 51 $1,191 77 402 23 555 95 219 53 220 83 763 30 244 28 $3,597 69 $1.843 68 $3,584 70 $600 75 $76 20 214 43 181 77 342 95 430 29 156 67 $1,402 31 *1.156 32 $1,415 30 $2,399 25 $76 20 214 43: 181 77 342 95 430 29' 156 67 $1,402 31 $1.156 32•$1,415 30 $2,399 25. Vaccine Laboratory $3,000 00
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