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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
362 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. 64,222 31,39,137,205 Ill 253 281 141 251 340 Hi 66 96 234 l|2 132,186,192,197,221 7>. 184,196 18 205 253 352 31,47,133,193,259,249,269 Ill 205 253 305 252 185,260,265,278 262,268 247 216 65 252 Ill 207 19 Executive Committee, appointed Reports Fernie, Alison Marion, appointed i n s t r u c t o r in vocal m u s i c Made a s s i s t a n t professor of m u s i c Financial Statement, 1896-97 1897-98 Forbes, E r n e s t B., appointed entomological a s s i s t a n t Forbes, S. A., Director State Laboratory of Natural History,biennial report Fox, J e s s i e Y.. appointed a s s i s t a n t piano instructor F r e s h m a n class s u p p e r disturbance Gardner, G. E., appointed professor at law Gas contract Greene, E. B., made associate professor Greenhouse Gymnasium for men Hammond, A s s i s t a n t Professor G. D., granted leave of absence H a m m o n d , M. B., appointed assistant in economics Made instructor in economics Hart, C. A., report of entomological work Heating, lighting, and power plant Howland, A r t h u r C , appointed instructor in history Hubbard. George D., appointed assistant in geology H u g h e s , Thomas W., appointed a s s i s t a n t professor of law Hylan, J o h n P., appointed instructor in psychology _. Made assistant professor of psychology Illinois Field Inglis, Hon. S. M , m i n u t e concerning I n s t r u c t o r s employed for work outside of regular duties Inventory, J u l y 1, 1897 • J a y n e , Violet D., appointed assistant professor of t h e E n g l i s h language and literat u r e and dean woman's d e p a r t m e n t Made associate professor of t h e English langu ige and literature J o n e s , Mary L., appointed assistant professor of library economy and librarian Resignation J o n e s , W. H., made professor of music K a v a n a u g h , W. H., appointed instructor in mechanical engineering Keeler, EL, appointed assistant in chemistry Keith, Elbridge G., bond Elected t r e a s u r e r Reports K e m p , George T., appointed professor'of physiulogy Ketchum, Richard B., appointed a s s i s t a n t in civil engineering Kinley, Professor D., title made professor of economics Kofoid, C. A., r e p o r t of Biological Station Kyie, Martha J., appointed instructor in rhetoric 112 19 92,93 91 131,203,217,242,271 , 131 205 72 342 253 Land contracts 61,81 Land for school house site d onated 241 Law School 44,72 Legislature, t h a n k s to, for relieving the University from loss by Spalding defalcation. 139 Lewis, Stanley M., appointed assistant in art and design 251 L i b r a r y building 29,107,192 Decoration 133,192 Dedication address by J. M. White ' 138 L i g h t n i n g losses * 221 L u n c h room 247 McGilvrey. J E., appointed a s s i s t a n t professor of pedagogy and high school visitor. McKee, J a m e s H., appointed assistant in mechanical engineering Mann, Margaret, appointed instructor in library economy, Meyer, George H., appointed instructor in German Military Hall, use for political meeting Miln^, E. L.. appointed instructor in m a t h e m a t i c s Morgan horses Myers, George W., title made professor of astronomy and applied m a t h e m a t i c s Palmer, A. W., report on analysis of Illinois river wat^r P a v i n g and walks Pence, W. D., made associate professor of civil engineering Pharmaceutical chemist Pnillips, J. D.. made a s s i s t a n t professor of general e n g i n e e r i n g d r a w i n g Physical t r a i n i n g for m e n Pickett, C. C , appoin ed professor of lawPierce, E. H., appointed instructor os the violin and leader of t h e band Postoffices. Urbana and Chamoaign P u t n a m , Alice, appointed instructor on the violin Quick, O^car, made a s s i s t a n t professor of physics Quine, Dr. W. E., report on School of Medicine IS 205 Ill 112 249 253 135 207 351 187,196 252 137,188 112 184 96 19 19 205 253 360
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