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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
334 UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS. [Sept. 24, Warrants—Continued. :No. Date. 1897. Sept. To whom. For what. Amount. Sept Oct, Oct 95 96 97 98 99 lOOl $5 00 Whittle Advertisement. 25 00 McDonough & Co Wesley an Argus 3 00 18 75 Chicago Clinical Review P . Co, 25 00 Arbutus 33 00 R. L. P o l k & Co Addressing envelopes. Densonian Advertisement 2 50 Salary, August, 1897 75 00 J. A. Wesener 50 00 W. A. E v a n s 50 00 W.T.Eckley 25 00 A. G e h r m a n n 25 00 E.G.Earle 41 66 W. A. Pusey 75 00 J. S. Tomlinson 60 00 Miss E. M. Heelan Geo. J o h n s t o n 40 00 36 00 Theo. Tieken '. 30 00 W. S. Boyce 25 00 J ohn McClain 65 00 E x p e n s e s of stenographer, etc. W m . A. Pusey 56 57 Petty expenses D. A. K. Steele 12 00 University of Chicago Weekly. Advertisement 87 80 Circulars Cameron, A m b e r g & Co 20 82 Coal Brazil & Chicago Coal Co Toilet paper Geo. T. J o h n s o n 9 00 Anchor Portl'd Cement Pav. Co Raising walks, etc 29 43 Materials 28 12 Marshall Field & Co Benzine Fuller & Fuller Co 2 05 Sugar 1 10 H. A h r e n s Advertising-in periodicals 390 00 H.C.Hall J e w i s h Herald Publishing Co.. Advertisement 12 50 Brunswick-Balke Collender Co Chairs, settees, etc 86 26 Repairing bells Otto Chellberg 2 25 Phenosote Red Cross Hygienic Co 6 25 Paper 17 50 P. F. Pettibone & Co 74 91 Pipe and fittings Samuel I. Pope & Co 336 00 Painting, calcimining-. .^ R. T. J o n e s Benzine H . M . H o o k e r Co 3 64 L y o n s ' Orchestra Music furnished 30 00 E x h a r d t Catering Co Catering 60 00 F r a m e s and plates Orr & Lockett H a r d w a r e Co 9 25 32 00 E. Baggot Gas fixtures 16 00 Journal of Am. Medical Ass'n. A d v e r t i s e m e n t 16 85 Medical Recorder P u b . Co 60 00 Architect's services . G. L. H a r v e y Advertisement Knox College Coup oVEtat 3 00 Salary, Sept., 1897.... J. A. W e s e n e r 75 00 50 00 W. A. E v a n s 50 00 W. T. Eckley 25 00 Adolph Gehrman : 25 00 E.G.Earle 41 00 W. A. P u s e y 75 00 J. S. Tomlison 60 00 Elizabeth M. Heelan 40 00 George J o h n s o n 36 60 Theo. Tieken 30 00 W. S . R o y c e 25 00 J o h n McClain 1,154 71 Chemicals 15 Richards & Co 269 33 Labor and material on building-., G. D. E v a n s , 35 00 Painting John Parsons J o h n G. Bentler 7 05 2 00 Orr & Lockett H a r d w a r e Co . . . Door holders Expenses of stenographer and rent| 65 00 W. A. Pusey , 6 00 University of Chicago Weekly.. Advertisement 5 60 A d d r e s s i n g envelopes Chicago Addressing Co Lockers D. R. G r a n t . 15 00 Columbia Typewriter Mfg- C o . . Ribbons 4 95 Printing, etc , 32 50 F a n t u s & Son , 14 40 R o g e r s , Pitkin & Hall H. Schiller 5 00 Palms Physicians Supply & D r u g Co. Surgical supplies., 10 41 81 01 Sharp & Smith 20 46 D r u g s , etc Searle & H e r e t h Co Chairs 31 25 J. S. Ford J o h n s o n & Co 35 10 E. Baggot • Contract gas fixtures, etc.,
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