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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1898.] P R O C E E D I N G S O F BOARD O F TRUSTEEKS. 277 PAPER P—SCHOOL OF PHARMACY. 1897-1898. Salaries for instruction Salaries for services Buildings and g r o u n d s Fuel and lights Stationery and p r i n t i n g Laboratories Library Incidentals Sundries Advertising F u r n i t u r e and fixtures Museum Unassigned Appropriated. $4,043 66 1,375 00 2,741 73 488 96 173 02 1,192 77 5 50 428 73 199 69 837 07 98 36 22 50 31 40 $11,638 39 Expended. $4,043 66 1,375 00 2,741 73 488 96 173 02 1,192 77 5 50 428 73 199 69 837 07 98 36 22 50 $11,606 99 Balance. - 31 40 $31 40 PAPER G—SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. Appropriated. Salaries for instruction... Salaries for services Buildings and g r o u n d s . . . Fuel and lights Stationery and p r i n t i n g . Laboratories Books and publications .. A p p a r a t u s and materials Incidentals Advertising F u r n i t u r e and fixtures . . . Unassigned $2,225 4,153 8,617 1,382 263 1,291 25 1,634 486 2,266 245 7,409 $30,000 00 Expended Balance. $2,225 4,153 8,617 1,382 263 1,291 25 1,634 486 2,266 245 00 " 15 ""' 25 10 00 44 4=7| 07 56i $7,409 I $7,409 $22,590 12 PAPER L—RECEIPTS BY THE BUSINESS MANGER FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDING MARCH 31, 1898. Principal on land contracts I n t e r e s t on land contracts University fees Music fees P r e p a r a t o r y School Repair shop Fuel and lights (coal) Mechanical d e p a r t m e n t Greenhouse Buildings and grounds Minnesota lands, r e n t s Library School Chemical laboratory Physical laboratory Zoological laboratory Physiological laboratory Geological laboratory Mineralogical laboratory Botanical laboratory Preparatory laboratory Civil engineering , General engineering drawing Agricultural ExperimentlStation School of Medicine School of P h a r m a c y $340 00 335 78 7,487 27 511 00 1,914 98 88 91 114 45 54 53 71 46 15 00 220 76 9 43 1,075 19 25 90 17 89 5 in 5 48 3 66 8 15 24 32 13 05 ' 28 31 683 08 9,591 65 2,267 74 $24,912 I
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