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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
276 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. PAPER D—LABORATORY OF NATURAL HISTORY. [June 8, Balance. General Balance J u l y 1,1896 Closed out Report o«f Entomologist Diseases of insects 1897-1898. Salaries and a s s i s t a n t s Field, office, etc Library .., Bulletins Report of Entomologist Biological E x p e r i m e n t Station $4,000 1,500 1,500 750 250 3,000 00 00 00 00 001 00 $2,907 20 700 25 634 56 627 84 2,425 92 $7,295 77 $1,092 799 865 122 250 574 80 75 44 16 001 08 Assigned. $253 8.150 250 1,500 68 00 00 00 8,150 00 250 00 1,500 00 $10.153 68j 1,150 00 191 32 968 68 >,310 00 $253 68 58 68 531 32 $10,153 68 $4,000 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 750 00 250 00 3,000 00 $11,000 00 $11,000 00| $3,704 23 PAPER E—AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Appropriated. General fundSalaries Labor Publications P o s t a g e and stationery F r e i g h t and express Heat, light, and water Chemical supplies Seeds, plants, and sundries Feeding stuffs Library Tools, implements, and machinery Scientific a p p a r a t u s Live stock T r a v e l i n g expenses Contingent Buildings and repairs F u r n i t u r e and fixtures Expended. Balance. 296 59 550 00 80 00 97 00 203 90 51 00 275 07 269 00 274 16 352 64 548 67 50 OOl 240 00| 108 33 193 71 30 00 $11,250 00 . $5,619 93 2,422 96 825 13 74 24 114 13 120 00 12 24 208 72 231 75 267 12 460 88| 391 29 40 00 187 32 147 07 318 63| 28 47 $11,469 93 ,118 59 771 70 $1,890 29 $10 00 5 76 83 38 66 37 7 90 76 65 25 04 157 38 10 00 52 68 1 53 Farm fund— Labor , Seeds, etc . $1,433 00! 664 00 $2,097 00 $314 41
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