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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
262 ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY. [June 7, $2.000 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 $4,500 00> Fence, ornamental iron, seven feet n i g h around the proposed p a r k Grand stand to accommodate five h u n d r e d Building of necessary track and g r a d i n g and d r a i n i n g of grounds Total We therefore hereby petition that the Board of Trustees appropriate the* sum of four thousand five hundred dollars for the purposes herein specified. HERBERT J. BARTON, S. W. PARR, Faculty members of the Advisory Board of Athletics, for the Board. I t was voted to hear Messrs. Barton and Parr at 3 o'clock p. m. On motion of Mr. Bullard a committee of two was appointed toprepare and present to the Board a resolution concerning the Hon. S. M. Inglis, State Superintendent of Public Instruction and, ex officio, a member of the Board, recently deceased. The President appointed on this committee Messrs. Bullard and Armstrong. The President of the Board presented a communication he had received from Professor Forbes, Director of the State Laboratory of Natural History, concerning appointments upon the Laboratory staff for the ensuing year. The communication was referred to President Draper. The question of voice culture in the University was referred to the Committe on Instruction for investigation and report. President Draper presented, with his approval, a request from Professor Frederick recommending an annual exhibition of art work to be held at this University at the time of the High School Oratorical and Athletic contests, and that prizes aggregating $50.00 be awarded for the best work shown. I t was voted to inaugurate such an exhibition, and that $50.00 be appropriated for prizes. DEGREES CONFERRED. President Draper stated that upon recommendation of the Faculty of the University he asked authority to confer degrees at commencement as follows, and the authority was given: COLLEGE OF LITERATURE AND ARTS.—DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF A R T S . IN SPECIALIZED COURSES—THESES REQUIRED. D Edythe Beasley, Lee Byrne, Delbert Ririer E n o c h s , Rollin Orlando E v e r h a r t , Leone P e a r l House, Helen J o r d a n , Caroline Lentz, E d w a r d Frederick Nickoley. IN GENERAL COURSES—THESES NOT REQUIRED. William Wesley Black, William W a g n e r Dillon, F r e d Gates Fox, Alice Belle Frazey, William J o h n Fu/lton, F r e d Silvey Hall, William Vipond Pooley, Lewis Archibald Robinson* Stanley Livingston Soper, J o s e p h Clarence Staley, Guy A n d r e w Thompson, William L u t h e r Unzieker*
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