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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1898.] PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 259 3. That William Esty, assistant professor of electrical engineering, be appointed associate professor of electrical engineering at a salary of $1,600 per annum. 4. That the services of Bernard V. Swenson, assistant professor of electrical engineering, be discontinued at the end of the present year, September 1, 1898, and the services of Mr. Foote be discontinued at the end of his present term of employment, July first, next. 5. That the President of the University be empowered to engage a suitable person as professor of electrical engineering, if such person can be found, at a salary not exceeding $2,250 per annum; if not, that he be empowered to engage an assistant professor at less salary; and that he also be empowered to engage a mechanician to serve the departments of physics and electrical engineering, at not to exceed $75 per month for ten months. ' * A. S. DRAPER. T h e foregoing p a p e r with regard to t h e electrical e n g i n e e r i n g dep a r t m e n t was referred to t h e C o m m i t t e e on I n s t r u c t i o n . Several c o m m u n i c a t i o n s c o n c e r n i n g this d e p a r t m e n t , which- h a d b e e n received by t h e members of trie Board, were also referred to t h e C o m m i t t e e on I n s t r u c t i o n . HEAT, LIGHT, AND POWER PLANT. To the Board of Trustees: The new central heating, lighting and power plant of the University is now in operation. It is necessary to make some definite provision for its management. To that end I recommend the adoption of the following: 1. That the University Heating, Lighting, and Power Plant, so far as all extensions and matters affecting the plans and the general operations of the plant are concerned, be under the advisory control of the heads of the mechanical and electrical departments, and that they be held responsible, respectively, for the general condition and effectiveness of the same. 2. That all matters relating to the purchase and distribution of supplies, as well as the details of operations and maintenance, the employment of help, the certification of pay rolls, etc., be under the direction of the Superintendent •of Buildings and Grounds. 3. That the force, to be employed by the year (twelve^ months) to commence July 1st next, be constituted as follows, at the salaries indicated. (a) Chief enginer, Joseph Morrow, $900 per annum. (b) Steam fitter, Charles Ewalt, $360 per annum. (c) Fireman, Edward W. Justice, $600 per annum. (d) Firemen, Spencer Stucky, $600 per annum. (e) Engineer, Walter Zimmerman, $840 per annum. (f) An additional engineer, to be employed from September first next for ten months, at $60 per month; and that authority be given to employ two additional helpers in the boiler house and two in the engine room, when in the judgment of the Superintendent it may be necessary, at not to exceed $35 per month each. A. S. DRAPER. T h i s p a p e r was referred to t h e C o m m i t t e e on B u i l d i n g s Grounds. and
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