Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1898.] PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 237; Paper A—Current December 31,1897. Remodeling men's g y m n a s i u m Bridge Winter School of A g r i c u l t u r e . . Moving to Library Hall President's expenses Library School Blue print room Appropriations—Concluded. Appropriated. 1,060 O j O 429 00 100 00 500 00 72 56 200 00 150 00 $99,822 64 E x p e n d e d . Balanc e,. 1,000 00427 70< 100 0J 307 37. 47 55 150 00$16,494 37, 1 30 192 63 72 56 152 45 $83,328 27 P A P E R B—STATE APPROPRIATIONS 1895-1897. 1 Salaries, etc.— Closed out Toilet rooms Art and design Physical t r a i n i n g Received. Expended Balance. Assigned. $167,430 24 $167,430 24 375 00 335 09 250 00 244 52 1 1,220 00 1,162 78 199 69 i 190 00 133 75 1 P r e p a r a t o r y School 3,900 00 3,849 55 Advertising 200 00 174 51 500 00 495 74 Accredited schools •..;.... 100 00 82 92 Signal bells 150 00 113 51 Botany (herbarium, etc.); 695 00 Mechanical E n g i n e e r i n g Laboratory 598 68 9,180 00 9,012 32 Chemical Laboratory (repairs) 1 400 00 318 18 F u r n i t u r e and fixtures 555 00 555 00 95 00 20 85 Zoological d e p a r t m e n t 175 00 Bronze tablet ^.. 171 50 600 00 582 65 Physics 3,500 00 L a w School 2,855 88 $189,714 93 $188,220 67 $i9.9l 5 48 57 22 199 69 56 25 50 45 25 49 4 26 17 08 36 49 96 32 167 68 18 82 74 15 3 50 17 35 644 12 $1,494 26 $19 91 5 48. 57 22 199 69 56 25 50 45 25 49 4 2617 08 36 49 96 32 167 68. 18 82. 74 3 17 644 15, 50 35 12 $1,494 26. Apparatus and materials— . Closed out Applied chemistry Psychology 'Zoology '. Physiology and hygiene Botany and horticulture Geology..: Astronomy. ; $2,400 00 100 00 300 00 800 00 800 00 680 00 400 00 . 520 00 $6,000 00 $2,400 00 73 62 300 00 800 00 689 45 670 14 329 01 520 00 $5,782 22 S3,000 00 $1,975 30 $26 38 110 55 9 86 70 99 $217 78 $26 38 iio 55. 9 86. 70 99 - $217 78, Operaling Laboratory Library Biological Experiment Station $3,000 00 $2,000 00 of Vegetable Physiology $24 70 $24 70. Hall $150,000 00 $150,000 00 $2,000 00 $3,000 00 $2,000 00 $2,713*21 $650 86 31 40 67 60 $749 86 $286 79 $15 81 635 26 599 07 $1,250 14 $286 79 < $15 81: 635 26. 599 07. $1,250 14., Cabinets— Geology Botany Zoology $666 67 666 66 666 67 $2,000 00