Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1893.] PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. APPROPRIATIONS FOR QUARTER ENDING JUNE 30, 1898. 229 General Fund. Salaries Labor Publications Postage and stationery F r e i g h t and express Heat, light, and water Feeding stuffs Library Tools, i m p l e m e n t s and machinery. Scientific a p p a r a t u s Traveling expenses Buildings and r e p a i r s Contingent Total From Farm Fund. Labor Seeds, plants, and s u n d r y supplies Total $1,590 00 910 00 475 00 35 00 20 00 30 00 200 00 15 00 265 00 55 00 . 45 00 50 00 60 00 $3,750 00 $520 00 230 00 $750 00 In this connection I present some matters as Dean of the College of Agriculture and ask for appropriations of University funds to meet bills and to make repairs on the porch at the farm bouse. The following bills are at hand and awaiting payment: Membership fee University of Illinois in Association of American Agricultural Colleges and E x p e r i m e n t Stations R e n t of experiment fields at Odin, Illinois R e n t of experiment fields at Edgewood $10 00 25 00 10 00 It will be remembered that it was held that the funds of the Experiment Station should not be used for rent and that last year a University appropriation was made for that purpose. The porch at the farm house greatly needs renewing. I have waited from quarter to quarter disliking to ask for a semi-personal matter when we have needed so many things for work. The board roof leaks, the columns are loose, and, while I have endeavored to keep the porch together, the days of its respectability are quite gone. In order to secure a trustworthy and definite estimate I have asked Mr. Sedgwick to submit one on a plan that will fit the angle between the upright and the wing, with an octagonal projection of some three feet, giving a pleasing effect to the corner. His bid on the job finished is $156.00. If this amount can be appropriated it will greatly add to the appearance of the house and the comfort of the occupants, and I should esteem it a personal favor as well as a needed bit of repair. Last fall a fire that escaped from Professor Palmer's lot destroyed about fifty rods of fencing between our farm and land belonging to Mr. McClain. I have been unable to learn definitely as to the title to the fence that was destroyed, but understand that Mr. McClain is willing to replace half of the fence. I have taken it for granted that the whole matter lies within the province of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds and allude to it here only to call attention to the matter. Professor Holden estimates the cost of restoration at not less than 60 cents per rod. Kespectfully submitted, E. DAVENPORT, Director.