Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1896.] PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OP TRUSTEES. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION—ESTIMATES. 28 For Quarter Ending Salaries Library Publications Scientific apparatus Total. September 30,1896—General •• Fund, $430 00 35 00 190 00 20 00 $675 00 % December 31,1896— General Salaries Labor Publications Postage and stationery Freight and express Heat, light and water , Chemical supplies Seeds, plants and s u n d r y supplies Feeding stuffs Library Tools, implements, and machinery F u r n i t u r e and fixtures Scientific a p p a r a t u s .....: Traveling expenses Contingent expenses * Buildings and repairs Total.: .From Farm Fund. a For Quarter Ending Fund. $1,887 50 475 00 150 00 25 00 25 00 60 00 25 00 125 00 100 00 35 00 105 00 115 00 300 00 60 00 40 00 225 00 $3,752 50 $500 00 250 00 Labor Seeds, p l a n t s and s u n d r y supplies Total ; $750 00 The following report was received from the Advisory Board of the Agricultural Experiment Station: REPORT OF ADVISORY BOARD. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, September 15, 1896. Dr. A. $. Draper, President of the University of Illinois: SIR:—I beg* leave to submit from the Advisory Board of the Agricultural Experiment Station the following: Paper J. is a statement of expenditures for the quarter ending June 30, 1896. Paper B is a statement of expenditures for the year ending June 30, 1896. Paper G is a list of warrants drawn Nos. 248 to 343, inclusive, for the quarter ending June 30, 1896, and is accompanied with vouchers for the same for audit. PAPER A—STATEMENT OP EXPENDITURES FOR THE QUARTER ENDING JUNE, I , 1896. $21 70 1 80 832 07 323 28 61 97 18 52 45 35 1,622 50 61 71 485 12 1,177 60 Board expense Buildings and repairs Bulletins Chemical a p p a r a t u s and supplies Fuel and lights Incidentals P r i n t i n g , stationery, and postage Salaries Seeds and t r e e s Tools and supplies Wages S o u t h e r n Illinois experiments Farm stock Total Sundr 120 01 15 00 $4,786 63