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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
218 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Dec. 15, letters received at t h e U n i v e r s i t y from persons i n q u i r i n g as to s u c h d e g r e e s ; a n d t h e m a t t e r was referred to t h e P r e s i d e n t of t h e Board, P r e s i d e n t Draper, a n d Mr. P i l l s b u r y , with i n s t r u c t i o n s to p r e p a r e a n d p u b l i s h a s t a t e m e n t s e t t i n g forth clearly t h e fact t h a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois was i n n o way whatever responsible for s u c h offers. REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. T h e F i n a n c e C o m m i t t e e m a d e t h e following report which, with t h e exception of t h e p a r a g r a p h r e l a t i n g to a s u m m e r school, consideration of which was deferred u n t i l later i n t h e session, was a d o p t e d and a p p r o p r i a t i o n s were m a d e as t h e r e i n r e c o m m e n d e d . URBANA, ILLINOIS, Dec, 14, 1897. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. GENTLEMEN:—Your Committee on Finance begs leave to report that it has examined the vouchers submitted by the Business Manager on which University warrants Nos. 1,882 to 2,200, inclusive, for 1896 97, and Nos. 1 to 650, inclusive, for the year 1897-98; Agricultural Experiment Station warrants Nos. 280 to 400, inclusive, for the year 1896-97, and Nos. 1 to 100, inclusive, for the year 1897-98; Laboratory of Natural History warrants Nos. 247 to 286, inclusive, for the year 1896-97, and Nos. 1 to 100, inclusive, for the year 1897-98; School of Pharmacy warrants Nos. 160 to 176, inclusive, for the year 1896-97, and Nos. 1 to 25, inclusive, for the year 1897-98; and School of Medicine warrants Nos. 1 to 75, inclusive, for 1897, and Nos. 1 to 50, inclusive, for the year 1897-98, have been issued, and has found the same correct and duly receipted. Your committee has examined the report of Elbridge Gr. Keith, Treasurer, for the term, August 31 to September 30, 1897, and finds that it shows a balance August 3Lst of $44,498.86; balance and receipts, $148,372.12; payments, $35,676.06; balance of all funds September 30th, $112,696.06. \'our commtttee reports as follows relative to the application of Professor Breckenridge for an appropriation of $300 for experiments on the Big Four Railroad and one of $100 for cleaning machinery. We heartily commend the spirit and enterprise of Professor Breckenridge in developing the usefulness in his department, and would gladly recommend the appropriation asked for; but, in view of the fact that our funds are in a low condition, we cannot recommend the appropriation asked for, and would therefore recommend its disallowance. As to the appropriation asked for in order to move machinery, etc., from the upper floor to the lower floor of the woodshop and to set up the machinery, we find that an amount sufficient for that purpose was included in the provision for fitting up a gymnasium (see page 185.) As to the matter of establishing a summer school at Havana, we would respectfully report that, owing to the condition of our treasury, we deem it unadvisable to incur further liabilities at the' present time. We advise that the appropriations recommended by the Business Manager in his Paper I (see page 215) for the three months ending March 31st be made. As to water and gas contracts, your committee, being .unadvised as to the terms of present contracts, recommends that these matters be referred back to the Finance Committee with power to act. Respectfully submitted, THOMAS J. SMITH, A L E X . MCLEAN, N. B. MORRISON, Finance Committee,
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