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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1897.] PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 213 Paper B—State June 30, 1897. Kppropriations—Concluded. Received. Expended. $5,000 00 $5,000 00 $500 00 $500 00 $600 00 $4,452 93 $2,387 87 Balance. $547 07 $2,612 13 Assigned. $5,000 00 $5,000 00 $1,000 00 $1,000 00 $1,200 00 $3,000 00 $1,450 86 $452 16 $1,012 08 $780 89 $887 17 $30 02 $11,061 03 90 $349 14 $297 84 $1,487 92 $1,719 61 $612 83 $719 98 $28,938 97 $499 10 $1,800 00 $750 00 $5,000 00 $5,000 00 $3,000 00 $750 00 $40,000 00 $500 00 Equipment of men's gymnasium $1,500 00 $1,800 00 $750 00 Chemical equipment $2,500 00 $2,50Q 00 $1,500 00 $750 00 $40,000 00 Bridge $500 00 PAPER C—UNITED STATES FUND. Year ending June SO 1898. Received. Expended. Balance. Assigned. Salaries for instruction $2,300 00 $8,085 71 $14,014 27 $8,085 71 PAPER D—LABORATORY OF NATURAL HISTORY. 1895-1897. Appro priated. Expended. Balance. Assigned. General balance J u l y 1,1896 Closed out Bulletins Report of Entomologist Diseases of insects 1897-1899. Salaries and a s s i s t a n t s Field, office, etc Library Bulletins Report of Entomologist Biological E x p e r i m e n t Station ; $253 68 3,000 00 3,650 00 1,000 00 500 00 250 00 1,500 00 $10,153 68 $2,000 00 500 00 500 00 400 00 250 00 1,500 00 $5,150 00 3,000 00 3,650 00 1,000 00 500 00 97 10 883 58 $9,130 68 $851 89 231 41 13 00 277 51 1,247 71 $2,621 52 $253 68 152 90 616 41 $1,023 00 $1,148 11 268 59 487 00 122 49 250 00 252 29 $2,528 48 $253 68 3,000 00 3,650 00 1,000 00 500 00 250 00 1,500 00 $10,153J58 $4,000 00 $1,500 00 1,500 00 750 00 250 00 3,000 00 $11,000 00 -.
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