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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
208 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINIOS. [Dec. 14, That Mr. Wilder be also required to take charge of all photographic appar : atus belonging to the University and that he be expected to use the same in. the interest of the University and to its utmost advantage. That provision be made in the next catalogue for a course in photographyt . to be taught by Mr. Wilder, and that his employment, if the service is satisfactory, be continued for ten months from the first of September next at $80.00 per month, and that he be included in the corps of instruction. President Draper stated that certain changes in the catalogue were under consideration, and that it would be necessary that these should be passed upon before the next regular meeting of the Board. It wa& accordingly ordered that the Committee on Instruction, in consultation with President Draper, should have authority to approve such changes as were deemed desirable. Mr. S. J. Temple's bill for plans, etc., for a wagon house, was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. Requests for appropriations from Prof. Myers were presented, and the Board authorized, on motion of Mr. Armstrong, an expenditure of $40.00 for the purpose of building an isolated clock pier at the Observatory. President Draper's bill for expenses for the last six monthsamounting to $72.56, was ordered paid. A communication from Professor Forbes with regard to a simmer school was presented and was referred to the Finance Committee; aswas also a communication from Professor Breckenridge asking for sundry appropriations. A request from Professor Burrill that the Business Manager, be authorized to contract on a satisfactory bid, for botanical supplies* to be imported, not exceeding in amount $100.00, was approved on motion of Mr. Armstrong. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. A report from the Agricultural Experiment Station was presented, and in accordance with requests therein contained, the Business Managar was authorized to contract, on a satisfactory bi4, for chemical apparatus and supplies, to be imported, not exceeding in amount $300.00, and appropriations of Station funds were made as follows:
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