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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
206 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Oct. 1, M E E T I N G OF OCTOBER 1, 1897. The following call for a special meeting o^ the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was issued September 25, 1897: "Upon the call of the President, Mr. F. M. McKay, there will be a special meeting: of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois at 8:30 o'clock a. m., Friday, October 1, 1897, at the Lelahd Hotel, Springfield, Illinois, to consider such business as may be duly presented." The Board met and adjourned to meet at 6 o'clock p. m. EVENING SESSION. When the Board met pursuant to adjournment there were present Messrs. Armstrong, Bullard, McKay, McLean, Raymond and Pearce and Mrs. Flower; absent Governor Tanner, and Messrs, Inglis, Smith, and Morrison and Mrs. CWriel. Mr. Bullard, from the Committee on Buildings and Grounds stated that to build the bridge over Silver Creek, on Burrill avenue, acording to the plans prepared by Professor Baker, would cost $875.00, and asked for an additional appropriation of $375.00 for this purpose. On motion of Mr. Armstrong, the appropriation was made. On motion of Mr. Bullard, the matter of state scholarships, and other scholarships v in the University, was referred to the Committee on Instruction, which was directed to report to the Board at its next regular meeting. The Board adjourned. W. L. PILLSBURY, F. M. MCKAY, Secretary. President.
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