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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
202 UNIVERSITY OE ILLINOIS. PAPER L—RECEIPTS FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDING JUNE 30, 1897. [Sept. 21^ T e r m fees, etc., (University students) Diploma fees Music T e r m fees, etc., Preparatory School R e n t of south farm Minnesota lands, r e n t Buildings and grounds Greenhouse, sales Fuel and lights / Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station Repair Shop Mechanical d e p a r t m e n t and laboratory Military Laboratory of applied mechanics Civil engineering General e n g i n e e r i n g drawing Chemical laboratory Zoological laboratory Mineralogical laboratory Geological laboratory Physical laboratory Electrical laboratory Botanical laboratory Psychological laboratory Physiological laboratory Preparatory I n t e r e s t on land contracts I n t e r e s t from Globe Savings B a n k School of Medicine, fees A : $4,542 50, 520 00 195 00 1,343 75 $1,235 93 10 001 15 00 $178 07 28 44 551 021 15 00 48 63 5 35 $15 00 113 15 129 62| 820 21 51 89 4 031 27 93 248 50 97 00 11 00 18 00 28 60l 53 811 $292 22 12 11 $6,601 25^ 1,260 93- 826 51 1,619 64 304 33 3,152 00$13,764 66 Your attention is called to the bill of Wilson, Moore & Mcllvaine, presented herewith as Paper 22, and to their claim of $1,597.50 for services and expenses. Also to the payment of $500.00 as a retainer fee to the attorney at Red Oak, Iowa. The present contract for water service will expire January 1, 1898, and that for gas expires December 17, 1897. The Board is requested to take timely action in these matters. Respectfully submitted, S. W. SHATTUCK, Business Manager.
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