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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
198 U^IVEKSITY OF I L L I N O I S . BUSINESS MANAGER'S REPORT. [Sept. 21 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, September 21, 189b". F. M. McKay, Esq., President of the Board of Trustees, University of Illinois. SIR:—I have the honor to present to you herewith the following report: Paper A is a statement of the current appropriations for the year ending June'SO,1897. Paper B is a statement of the State appropriations for the same time. Paper D is a statement of the Laboratory of Natural History appropriations for the same time. Paper E is a statement of Ithe Agricultural Experiment Station appropriations for the same time. ( Paper F is a statement of the School of Pharmacy appropriations for the same time. Paper G is a statement of the School of Medicine appropriations for the same time. Paper H is an estimate of receipts and expenses for-the twelve months ending June 30, 1898. Paper J is a list of appropriations for the three months ending December 31, 1897. Paper L is a statement of moneys rtceived by me for the three months ending June 30, 1897. Paper M is a list of the general University vouchers presented for audit, being 1,882 to 2,200, inclusive. Paper N is a list of the Laboratory of Natural History vouchers presented for audit, being 247 to 286, inclusive. Paper 0 is a list of the Agricultural Experiment Station vouchers presented for audit, being 280 to 400, inclusive. Paper P is a list of the School of Pharmacy vouchers presented f»>r audit, being 160 to 176, inclusive. Paper Q is a list of the School of Medicine vouchers presented for audit, being 1 to 75, inclusive. PAPER A—CURRENT APPPOPRTATIONS. June 30,18d7. Board expenses Appropriated. $1,746 88| 101,545 56 Expended. B a l a n c e $592 26 $1,154 62 10,183 98) 22,000 00 > • 69,361 58j 9,315 88 1 4,195 82 j 1,802 82 281 58 2,199 67 5,755 34 1,534 31 609 11 40 21 4.909 79 1,539 23 650 53 1,480 89 322 29 920 75 2,807 72 937 63 103 18 94 46 422 77 1,548 83 { Current ) U. S. F u n d . . > State J Salaries for services { §{3*?.^'.'.'.".'^.\\\\\\\\\\\"!.".".'.".'.'.'.'.' j Buildings and grounds ./. * Fuel and lights : Stationery a n d p r i n t i n g P r e p a r a t o r y School Repair shop Mechanical D e p a r t m e n t Departments Laboratories T Library and a p p a r a t u s Incidential expenses 13,511 70J 2,084 401 7,955 01 2,143 42 4,950 00 1,539 231 2,131 42 1,233 041 3,745 35 197 64 1,971 60
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