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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
20 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Sept. 15, derived from our being publicly identified with both cities; and it seems to me, also, that it is only just that we should publicly recognize our relations with each. 1^ therefore respectfully recommend that, in all future publications of the University, and in all official correspondence by representatives of the University, it be plainly stated that both Champaign and Urbana are postoffices through which mail matter will be received. A. S. DRAPER, President. T h e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s of t h e foregoing p a p e r were approved. POLICING AND LIGHTING BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. To the Board of Trustees: I have frequently expressed the feeling that there is a lack of security about the University. I think that circumstances now make it imperative for us to take some decisive steps to remove the insecurity. We suffer very little loss or annoyance through the acts of our own students. .We are continually overrun by outsiders who spend their time idling about the grounds, both day and night. The result is frequent injury to property, some thievery, and a continual menace to the quietness and good order imperative to the institution. Although not arising from the depredations of outsiders, so far as we know, we haye twice during the last year had fire in our buildings, each of which was in the night, and the last of which was very disastrous. These things impress upon us the necessity of; closer care. I have made application to the City Council of the city of Urbana for the passage of ordinances making certain acts of lawlessness which have been directed to be stopped by previous action of the Board, infractions of the public peace and punishable as misdemeanors. The Council has responded to such application in a vay which seems to meet the difficulty and cover the ground, so that when offenders are hereafter apprehended it seems possible that tHey may be punished. Now, 1 think that we need more light about the campus, the service of a night watchman and, perhaps, of a day policeman as well. I have made application to the Mayor and Council of the city of Champaign to maintain an arc light at the intersection of Green and Wright streets, the most prominent entrance to the University grounds from the Champaign side. The matter is now under consideration. I have seen the Electric Light Company in reference to continuing tne arc lights, which we maintain upon the campus, beyond twelve o'clock midnight, the hour named in the contract. The company offers to continue the lights until 3:30 a. m. in the summer time and until 4:30 a. m. during the six ^winter months, at an advance of $3.00 per lamp per year. I therefore recommend, 1. • That two additional lamps be installed upon the campus. # 2. That the proposition of the Electric Light Co. to continue the lights until 3:30 a. m. and 4:30 a. m. at $3 additional per lamp per year, be accepted. 3. That the Department of Buildings and Grounds be authorized to employ a night watchman at a salary of not exceeding $40 per month, whose duty it shall be to patrol the grounds and inspect the buildings continuously during the hours from 6 o'clock p. m. to 6 o'clock a. m. 4. That the Department of Buildings and Grounds be authorized to employ a day policeman at a salary of not exceeding $40 per month, who shall be clothed in policeman's uniform, and whose duty it shall be to be about the grounds and render such police service as may be necessary between the hours of 6 o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m. 5. That janitors in the employ of the University be required to wear a uniform to be prescribed by the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. A. S. DRAPER, President.
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