UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 [PAGE 174]

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[Feb., 15


No. Date. 1897. To whom. For what. Amount,

2121Feb. 213 214 215 216| 217 2181 219 220 Feb. 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 March 228 229 230| 231 232| 235 234| 235


.237 238| 239 2401 241 242 March 243 244 245 246 247 May 2481 249 250 251 May 252 253 254 255 .256 257 258 259 260 261 262 J u n e


264 265 2661 267 •268 269 270 271 272 273| 274 275 ,276 277 J u n e 278


280 281 282: 283| :284 285

Envelopes, flies, etc 15 D H . L l o y d & Son E. B. F o r b e s . . . . Work Central Union Telephone Co.. Services to March 31, 1897. E. F. H a r t m a n Letterheads H . C . Forbes Petty e x p e n s e s . . . . . . . . . Columbia Typewriter Mfg Co. Ribbons, etc Bausch & Lomb Optical C o . . . Repairs of microscope H. W. R o k k e r P r i n t i n g bulletins S. A. Forbes Salary, three m o n t h s , to Feb. 27, '97 H. C . F o r b e s Salary for February, 1897 C. A. H a r t Mary J. Snyder C, C. Adams : Harlen'Scott Lydia M. H a r t Expenses 15 S, A. Forbes a . C. Forbes Petty expenses. Lydia M. H a r t Drawings Alice Frazey Work R. S. Wilber Drayage Edwards & Docker Co Subscription ... J. Manz & Co Halftone Geo. B r u n d e r book.... E. H. Sargent & Co Supplies Win. Wesley & Co Books Paul Klincksieck . Lemcke & Buchner Literature H. W. Rokker Bulletins F.L.Bills Postage S. W. Shattuck, business mgr. Expressage, t e l e g r a m s . Salary for March, 1897.. 31 H. C. Forbes C.A.Hart Mary J. Snyder C. C. Adams Harlen Scott 15 ; S. A. Forbes Expenses. ' Frank Smith Frank L. Bills Postage S. W. Shattuck, business mgr.. S u n d r y items Salary for April, 1897 . 31 H. C. Forbes C. A . H a r t |Mary J . S u y d e r •C. C. Adams iHarlen Scott iLillie M . H a r t I Ernest B. Forbes N. Y. Entomological Society . . . Subscription Lemcke & Buchner Book D. H. Lloyde & Son : . . . . Ink, paper, etc Lawton & Co Ribbons Expenses 15 S. A. Forbes E. B. Forbes Work S. W. Shattuck, b u s i n e s s mgr.. S u n d r y items Lydia M. H a r t ,. Drawings Fred Atkinson Paintings, etc J. C. Winship Co Printing bulletins, etc H. C. Forbes Petty expenses — G. W. P a r k e r & Son Repairs on insectary .. The Nautilus Subscription Dr. J , B r u m c h o r s t Foreign publications ... Maxmillan Co Subscription Science Wm. Wesley & Co Foreign publications L. Raymond Roberts Publications Geo. E. Koehler Book binding 30 S. A. Forbes Salary, t h r e e m o n t h s , to May 31,1897j H. C . F o r b e s Salary. May and J u n e , 1897 C. A. Kofoid P a r t salary. J u n e , 1897 , C. A. H a r t Salary, May and J u n e , 1897 C. Adams Mary J. S n y d e r HL»rlen Scott J. C. W i n s h i p Co Work on corrections. S. W. Shattuck, business mgr.. Pay roll of men, May, 1897. R. Friedlander & Son Foreign literature

4 65 2 00 4 50 3 50 3 65 4 59 5 50 120 90

b2 50 83 33 75 00 62 50 50 00 15 00 27 30 29 45 3 85 4 55 10 44 7 52 4 00 4 00 11 50 1 15 18 63 9 63 3 05 130 56 35 65 19 90 83 33 75 00 62 50 50 00 15 00 34 98 12 50 31 90 48 24 83 33 75 00 52 50 50 00 15 00 12 95 23 45 2 00 3 40 2 30 I 50 51 60 13 90 37 86 43 52 1 50 127 30 3 05 7 10 1 00 8 67 6 00 5 00 5 40 6 00 32 60 62 50 166 66 10 24 166 66 100 00 125 00 30 00 10 80 4 78 149 51