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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1897.] PROCEEDINGS OP BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 16 L Warrants—Continued. No. Date. 1897. To whom. For what. Amount. 1438 Feb. 1439 1440 1441 14421 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 14481 14491 1450 1451 1452 1453J 1454! 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 14621 1463 1464| 1465 1466! 1467 14681 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478| 1479J 1480| 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 14861 1487 1488] 1489 14901 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 14981 1499 1500 1501 Feb 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 15131 Cases 15 Petty & Sayers J. T Wolcott Services Curtains, etc. William &im D r u g Co R. S Shepardson Music FredMedart Wands School News and Prac.Educat'r) Advertisement Book L, B . Lippincott Co Robert Mitchell F u r n i t u r e Co Oak desk Mounting slides Grace Briggs Haulirig coal, etc E . H. R e n n e r & Bro Salary for J anuary, 1897 Mayme H i l l . E x p e n s e s visiting schools J . E . McGilvrey. Expenses A r t h u r W. Palmer H a u l i n g and moving trees T. R, Leal Pipe h a n g e r s , etc J a m e s B. Clow & Son E n g i n e e r i n g News Publish'gCo Advertisement Half tones * J. Manz & Co Photographs E. R. Curtiss G u t t a P e r c h a and R u b ' r Mfg Co] Hose Fencing m a s k s , etc. A. G. Spalding & Bros Advertisement Illinois State J o u r n a l Co W. A. Olmsted Scientific C o . . . . Galvanometer, etc Blast gate, etc Buffalo F o r g e Co Subscription Cleveland Public School G. E . Stechert T u b i n g plate, t a p s , etc Charles H. Besly & Co Lamp sockets, etc Central Electric Co The Newark MachineToo lW'ks Leveling jacks, etc Scrap iron Abe Sebewitz Wire belt lacing George W. Southwick Label holders Office Specialty Mfg Co Refinishing furniture, etc Mittendorf & Kiler Dials, etc Brown & Sharpe Mfg Co Gshart Spon & Chamberlain Microscopes, covers, etc B a u s c h & L o m b Optical Co. F i t t i n g for telescope, etc W a r n e r <e Swasey f Photographs Charles Mann ! Expenses F. F. F r e d e r i c k :.... Condenser T. H. T r e v e t t Champaign Supply Co Pipe and fittings, etc Dennison Mfg Co Tags, etc Maltby & Wallace Co , Pulley's, steel, etc F r a n k E. F i t t s Mfg and Sup. Co Silk towels Robinson & B u r r Castings, etc Twin City Ice and Cold St'ge Co [ce Ward Bros Books Lyon & Healey D r u m head, etc Diamond Clamp and Flask Co. B r a s s castings Bullard & Gormley Co Repairing door spring, etc Detroit Flower Pot Manufact'y Flower pots Phoenix Carbon Mfg Co Carbon plates Western Bank Note andEng.Co] Diplomas Newman Clock Co W a t c h m a n ' s clocks Samuel Bartley R e n t of land .A. M. Woodward Isaac Fielding Postage F r a n k L. Bills N. W. G r a h a m Expenses P e t t y expenses S. A. Forbes S. W . Shattuck, business m g r . Pay-rolls of men, J a n u a r y , 1897 S. W. Shattuck, business m g r . F r e i g h t and express S. W. Shattuck, b u s i n e s s m g r . S u n d r y items S. W. Shattuck, b u s i n e s s m g r . Pay-roll of s t u d e n t s , J a n u a r y , 1897, Salary for February, 1897 27 A. S. Draper T. J . Burrill S. W. Shattuck N. C. Ricker I. O . B a k e r S. A. Forbes C. W . R o l f e D. Mcintosh A.N.Talbot A. W- P a l m e r F. F. Frederick S. W. P a r r H . J Barton $25 00 47 55 10 00 7 93 u m 16 00 285 112 18 14 GO 4 16 15 34 40 08 15 41 87 86 1SJ52 688 18 68 600 25 00 15 25 5 40 m to 5 00 287 36 2 92 928 13 29 165 6 60 5 40 80 16 m 33 55 13 62 183 1KB 300 3 62: 125 mm 14 55 2m G O 1256 t 00 imm 5 49 161 400 10 40 too oo imw 10 0 > Q 25 00 \m 20 oe 5L25 25 25 25 00 50137 140 13 34 52 14145 583 33 225 Oft m6 & 1916ft 183 3a 83 33 175 00 - 1 1 U. I. 175 175 158 175 166 so m 00 00 33 m 66
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