UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 [PAGE 155]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898
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To whom.

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1896. 151Montgomery Ward & Co... 978* Dec. 979 [ Adolph Hempel 980 Petty & Sayers 981 Brown & Sharpe Mfg C o . . 982+ Charles F . Harlow & C o . . . ,


991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016; 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025| 1026 1027 1028| 1029 1030| 1031: 1032 1033 1034| 1035 10361 1037, 1038 1039 1040 1041 10421 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 Dec. 10521 1053 105.4 1055!

Apparatus Work Shelves, etc Grinding,fixtures, e t c . . Arbor press Snap flasks. C. H. Green & Co , Voltmeter Weston Electrical I n s t , Co Flask clamps E , E . Josef Mfg Co Crosby Steam Gauge and V. Co Indicator and fittipgs .. Cleats, switches, etc Central Electric Co Glass j a r s J o h n Gayner Mcintosh B a t t e r y a n d Opt'l Co Tubes, etc Steel J o n e s & Laughlins F i t t i n g s for stand pipe. Thomas W r i g h t & Son. Book I r a O. B a k e r Tracing cloth Eugene Dietzgen & Co Trays, frames, etc Rochester Optical C o . . Burlington Venetian Blind Co. Blinds Dark l a n t e r n s Bullard & Gormley Co. Linoleum Chicago Cai'pet Co Silva..... Houghton & Mifflin Co. Books and stationery A. C. M c C l u r g & Co.... G. E. S t e c h e r t . . . . . . . . . . Am. Society of Mech. E n g i n ' r s Proceedings Plugs and pulley P r a t t & Whitney Co Blue p r i n t paper Crane & Co Apparatus Medart P a t e n t Pulley Co. Cloths, etc Gulick Tailoring Co Linoleum, m a t s , etc M. Lowenstern & Son Vaccine b o x e s . , „ . . . Scovill Mfg C o . . , Guinea pigs E . R. Gibbs Straps Miller H a r n e s s Co Henry Trevett Hardware, etc Electric Appliance C o . . . . Wire Medart P a t e n t Pulley Co. Shafting, etc...". Charles A. Schieren & Co Belting Central Electric Co L a m p cord, etc School News and Prac. EducHW Advertisement Columbia E n g . and Electro. Co Half-tone of buildings J. W. B u t l e r Paper Co.. Paper Whitall. T a t u m & Co. .. Jars • Mayme Hill Playing piano, November. 1896.. L. P . B r e c k e n r i d g e Expenses Isaac Fielding Postage F. L. Bills Mechanical department. Labor and material. Repair shop to Sept. 30,1896. Repair shop ; Expenses W. O . K r o h n Hyloplate A, H. A n d r e w s & Co Electric wiring, etc Twin City Electric Co .. Subscription D. Appleton & Co Lumber, etc Bevis & Co Collecting samples Edward Bush H a r d oil, etc Maltby & Wallace C o . . . Cement, etc Charles A. Besore Acids, corks, etc. Fuller & Fuller Co Kenyon News and Post'l Sub.Co| I n k i n g pads Pipe and fittings, etc »Champaign Supply Co., E n g ' g index, etc D. H. Lloyde & Son Chemical supplies Price & Sandford Range boiler, etc Robinson & Burr Drayage R. S, Wilber P r i n t i n g p r o g r a m s , etc Champaign Go. Herald W r i t i n g diplomas J. D. Phillips Eimer & Amend Tubes, etc J. M. White Architect's services and expenses.. W. H.Mee.ks Feed for Guinea pigs S. W. S h a t i u c k , business m g r fcCxpeuses S. W. Shattuck, business m g r Sundry items S. W. Shartuck, " u s i' n e s s m g r . Freight.and expressage b S. W. Shatuiuk. b u s i n e s s m g r . Pay-roll of m e n , November, 1896... S. W. Shattuck. husiness m g r . Pay-roll of s t u d e n t s , November, 1896 A. S. D r a p e r . . . . Salary. Decembi r, 1896 T. J. Burrill . . . . S. W. S h a t t u c k . I Edward Snyder 'N. C. R i c k e r . . . .

$3 458 50' 92 49* 43 34 14 40 12 15 25 43 8 00 35 00 13 906 00 3 78 2 47 31 00 3 00 15 76 6 83 16 90 10 50' 2 25 25 00 421 83 116 78 5 30 3 31 3 986 50 6 75 34 63

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95 83 2 25 41 58 11 90 7 00 31 50 39 60 57 50' 1 50 48 03 100 004 0022 86 96 04 86 65 448 4£ 217 02 583 33: 225 00 166 66 166 66,

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