UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 [PAGE 148]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898
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f Sept 30,

Wa i 'rants —Continued.

No. Date. To whom. For what. Amount.

439 S e p t 440 4*1

442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450


4521 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 470 471 ' 472 473' 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500f 501 Oct. 502 5031 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513


30|Thos. Naughton Photographs Golden & Kimball Copper box Champaign Co. Hera Id Printing D. H. L l o y d e & S o n Moving piano Watson F a u l k u e r Lead, oil, etc W. W. Walls & Co Lumber J. C. Sedgwick etc Geo. W. P a r k e r & S o n . . . . . . . Caees, drawers, etc Champaign Cabinet Co Lumber Norris Sash Pulley Co Pulleys G. E. Marshall & Co Record book and index J . H. Bainum Plastering Hubbard & Sons Contract on p l u m b i n g Champaign Supply Co Belting, etc Sheldon Brick Co Brick and mason Henry T r e v e t t Hardware H. Swannell Oils, etc A. M, & L. A. Terwelliger . . . Hardware M. T. Lindsey —... Labor J e n n y Electric Motor Co — Motor Robinson & Burr Towel racks, etc E u g e n e Dietzgen & Co Rings for surveying Insts . Albany Perfor'd Wpg. Paper Co Paper Standard Oil Co Oil Public School P u b l i s h i n g C o . . . Advertising Ohio Storage B a t t e r y Co Battery cells Machinist Supply Co B r a s s rods,.etc E. H. Sargent & Co Bottles, p l a t i n u m wire, etc. Franklin I n s t i t u t e of Pa Subscription Bausch & Lomb Optical Co Apparatus A. W. P a l m e r Expenses Francke & Schindler H a r d w a r e supplies F. L.Bills Postage Isaac Fielding J. Hamilton & Son Lumber. C. A. Besore ... I J a s . M. White Expenses as architect. Laboratory a p p a r a t u s . E i m e r & Amend Gustav E. Stechert Books Stationery and b o o k s . . A. C. McClurg & Co Baker & Turnell : . . Caligraph , The Gazette Printing Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict. Typewriter Lyon & Healy Music Locks, Keys, etc Yale & Towne Mfg. Co Advertisement Champaign Co. P t g ' Co Brass ro.is, etc Chas. H. Besly & Co Painting barn, etc Wm. Price Foils, n e s t s , etc A. G. Spalding Bros Books B. L. Batsford Spon & Chamberlin Cleveland Twist and Drill C o . . Drills Printing, etc Champaign Co. Herald Marine 1 ron Works . , Blade for p r o p e l l e r . Champaign Supply Co Fittings C & U. Electric St. Ry. Co Motor/ lights, g a s . . . Odin Coal Co Coal. Services as architect C. D. M c L a n e . . . . S. W. Shattuck, B u s i n e s s Mgr. S u n d r y items Expenses Freight Chem. Laboraty, Univ. of 111 Supplies furnished d e p a r t m e n t s . H. M. R. Construction Co . . . Contract for library building Library Bureau L i b r a r y stacks, floors, etc VanAuken Steam Specialty Co P r e s s u r e regulators E. H. Freidricks Sliding easel Jones & Laughlin Steel.. Chas. A. Besore Lumber Western- E lectric Co L a m p s and posts Union Mfg. Co Water to J a n . 1,1897 Petty & Sayers Making boxes Chamv2 \gn Co. Herald Printing '. Eimer & Amend Chemical supplies R i c k e r & White ..., Architect's commission : J. C. Sedgwick Final p a y m e n t on contract. .\ S. W. Parr Microscope

$13 50 2 00 73 00 28 50 7 90 162 47 93 82 94 70 68 8511 09 5 75 84 71 127 48 . 6 09 66 2 > 5 45 97 27 9T 27 8919 05162 50 13 00 4 80 24 00 11 59 12 50 25 00 22 17

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• 10 73 I 56 6 05 162 06 26 70 303 69 2 50 1 53 9 50 8 00 15 57 397 00 369 97 100 00 49 63 63 45 147 21 68 51 ,529 00 ,400 00 20 60 13 88. 26 80 127 10 11 55 125 00

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26 25 20 90 398 22 ,267 95. 35 00-