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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

136 UNIVERSITY OE I L L I N O I S . [ J u n e 29 stallion it would give the start. Then if we were allowed to close out our present stock at the first good opportunity, the proceeds would be sufficient to effect the entire change. This would not only make our horses mean something, but would put us clearly in advance of any institution of the country in the great business of breeding. I would breed these animals and sell the offspring for drivers, and in the meantime I would take strong ground as to the production of high class carriage horses. Is not the project feasible and within our means'? Very respectfully submitted, EUGENE DANENPORT, Dean College of Agriculture. On motion of M r . S m i t h $500.00 was a p p r o p r i a t e d for t h e p u r chase of horses. T h e following r e p o r t with r e g a r d t o u n i f o r m s was filed for record: CADET UNIFORMS. lo the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, GENTLEMEN:—Your committee, appointed June 8, 1897, to examine the bids received for furnishing cadet uniforms to students of the University requiring the same, begs leave to report that, after carefully examining samples submitted by Ottenheimer & Co., and Gulick & Co., of Champaign, Illlinois, and Considering the prices given by these firms, it has awarded the contract to the firm of Ottenheimer & Co. The uniforms are to conform to the specifications adopted at your meeting of March 13, 1894. The uniform consisting of coat, trowsers, cap, a^d gloves, as described for privates, is to be furnished students at fifteen dollars. For officers, consisting of coat with shoulder straps of gold lace according to rank, trowsers, cap, and gloves, at eighteen dollars and fifty cents. For band musicians, consisting of coat, trowsers, cap, and gloves, at sixteen dollars. Each article of the uniform must strictly conform to the specifications as approved by the Board of Trustees. The firm of Ottenheimer & Co. is to file with the Business Manager a bond in the sum of two thousand dollars for the faithful performance of their part of the contract. The committee also requires the firm receiving the contract to deposit with the Business Manager samples of all cloth to be used in the manufacture of cadet uniforms. The committee has made the following changes in the officers coat, viz.: that the five double rows of braid on each side of breast with crow's feet at outer ends, the braid trimming consisting of an Austrian knot, on each sleeve, and the braid trimming on each back seam be omitted, and that the following be added, cross rifles or cross cannon, as may be required by the cadet of&cer, and that the monogram U. of I. be embroidered in gold lace on coat collar one and one-half inches from the edge and one-eighth inch from the top of the collar, making the distance between monograms three inches in the clear. Height of monogram three-quarters of an inch and proportionate width. Cross rifles or cross cannon same height and width. S . A . BULLARD, DANIEL H. B R U S H , Capt. 17th Inf., S. W. JSHATTUCK, Committee.
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