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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1897.] PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES PHYSIOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY. 113 For widely different reasons the relations which the Assistant Professor of Psychology and the Associate Professor of Physiology and Vertebrate Anatomy havexsustained to the University have not been altogether satisfactory. I ha^ye endeavored to improve matters until I have lost hope of accomplishing that end. Aside from personal characteristics which stand in the way of the success which is desired in these departments, the two should be so organized that they will supplement each other, and that is altogether impossible under present conditions. Moreover, I have the feeling that a strong man in physiology, with a good, young instructor in experimental psychology, or a strong man in the laboratory psychology, with a good instructor in physiology, and preferably the latter arrangement, would answer every call upon the University and produce better results than are now obtained. I have had considerable correspondence with men who are available, but am not yet prepared to recommend an appointment, and probably it is not best to recommend an appointment until it is settled that the Board of Trustees would be willing to adopt my view as to the general course which it is advisable to pursue. For the purpose of determining the latter question, I respectfully recommend that the services of the two professors referred to be discontinued from and after the close of the present year, and that in the meantime I be authorized to engage the services of such person or persons to carry on the work of these departments as may seem most advantageous to the University. T h e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s of t h e four foregoing p a p e r s were severally approved as read. T h e B o a r d a d j o u r n e d to meet at 8 o'clock p. m. E V E N I N G S E S S I O N , J U N E 8, 1897. W h e n t h e B o a r d met p u r s u a n t to a d j o u r n m e n t t h e s a m e m e m b e r s were p r e s e n t as in t h e afternoon. Mr. S m i t h , h a v i n g asked t h e consent of the. Board therefor, i n t r o duced M r s . Wilder, M r s . C u s h i n g , Mrs. R a y , a n d M r s . Stewart, ladies of C h a m p a i g n , who addressed t h e B o a r d with regard to t h e establishm e n t of a College of M u s i c in t h e U n i v e r s i t y . CHANGES IN SALARIES OF PROFESSORS. 1. _ That the salary of Lester P. Breckenridge,' Professor of Mechanical Engineering, be $2,250 per annum, and that his duties cover the supervision of the heating plant. 2. That the salary of Ira 0. Baker, Professor of Civil Engineering, be $2,250 per annum. 3. That the salary of Herbert J. Barton, Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, be $2,100 per annum v 4. That the salary of Arnold Tompkins, Professor of Pedagogy, be $2>00O per annum. 5. That the salary of George W. Myers, Associate Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics, be $1,800 per annum. 6. That the salary of James M. White, Associate Professor of Architecture, be $1,600 per annum. 7. That the salary of William D. Pence, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, be $1,000 per annum. 8. That the salary of Harry S. Grrindley, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, be $1,300 per annum. 9. That the salary of Thomas A. Clark, Assistant Professor of Rhetoric,, be $1,600 per annum. —8U..L
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