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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1897.] PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. GRADUATE SCHOOL—MASTERS' DEGREES, DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS. Ill Charles Ammerman, •Charles Nelson Cole, Mary Maude Cole. Charles H u n t e r Garnett, E d w a r d tfarker Scoggan, J o h n Nathaniel Spangler. DEGREE OF MASTER OF LITERATURE. •John Ralph Neely, Stephen Avery Reynolds. DEGREE OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEER. J o h n Calvart Sample. DEGREE OF CIVIL ENGINEER. Almon Daniel T h o m p s o n . DEGREE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. W a l t e r Gilbert Campbell. DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE. Robert H u m p h r e y Forbes. U p o n r e c o m m e n d a t i o n of t h e F a c u l t y Governor T a n n e r h a s given t h e following n a m e d g r a d u a t e s commissions as brevet c a p t a i n s in t h e I l l i n o i s N a t i o n a l Gruard: Ralph Plumb Brower, Alvin Casey Beal, Albert Claude Hobart, Horace Chamberlain Porter, George Forbes Anderson, Charles Wilbur Leigh. DRAPER. RECOMMENDATIONS BY PRESIDENT lo the Board of Irustees. I respectfully recommend the following changes in the instructional force: NEW APPOINTMENTS. 1. That Miss Katharine L. Sharp be appointed Professor of Library Economy, Head Librarian, and Director of the Library School, at a salary of $2,000.00 per annum. 2. That Miss Mary L. Jones be appointed Assistant Professor of Library Economy, and Librarian, at a Salary of $1,200.00 for the first year, $1,300.00 for the second year, and $1,400.00 for the third year. 3. That Miss Margaret Mann be appointed Cataloguer, and Instructor in Library Economy, at a salary of $900.00 per annum. 4. That Miss Alison Marion Fernie be appointed Instructor in Vocal Music at a salary of $1,200.00 per annum, and an addition of fifty per cent, of the receipts for tuition, in her department, in excess of that sum. 5. That Miss Agnes S. Cook be appointed instructor in Rhetoric for ten months at $70.00 per month. 6. ' That Mr. Arthur C. Howland be appointed instructor in Ancient and Mediaeval History for ten months at a salary of $80.00 per month. 7. That Mr. Chester H Rowell be appointed instructor in German for ten months at a salary of $70.00 per month.
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