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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
102 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [April 22 It was moved by Mr. Swannell and seconded by Mr. Ebert that further discussion of this question be left until the meeting of the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association in Champaign on June 2d, when the Advisory Board would meet again. It was suggested by Professor Goodman that the branch of Microscopy be separated from the Department of Materia Medica, and be placed in the charge of Mr. Day as Professor of Microscopy. This suggestion was also* referred to the Advisory Board for action at its next meeting in June. Mr. Sempill suggested that the Trustees be requested to make arrangements to give students a limited course in book-keeping; no action was taken? upon this subject. Professor Puckner suggested that the title of "Professor of Physics"' bedropped from his name in the announcement. After free discussion of the several matters presented, the present requirements on admission to the School were considered, but it was thought best not to make any change at present. At the suggestion of Mr. Day, the question of equipment of the School wasdiscussed. On the recommendation of the Faculty the Board resolved to recommend to the Trustees that the equipment be increased as rapidly as possible up to the required needs. The question of fees also came up, but it was decided best to recommend no change. The condition of the library was alsodiscussed. It was moved by Mr. Swannell that the attention of the Trustees be called to the unbound volumes in the library of the School of Pharmacy ^ many of which are very valuable, and that they be requested to make an appropriation of at least $100.00 to bind them. The motion was seconded by .Mr. Biroth and carried unanimously. Mr. Biroth wanted a report on the financial condition of the School, but on account of the fact that the books were at Champaign, Mr. Day said he could not make the report, but stated that the School would probably pay all of itsexpenses for the past term. Mr. Ebert gave it as his opinion that, if the present building be retained,, a lease of at least three years be made so that a new lecture hall might bebuilt from the balcony. The opinion was concurred in by all present, especially since the School is in very urgent need of another lecture hall. Requirements for graduation were then brought up for discussion. It was moved by Mr. Loehr, and seconded by Mr. Seherer, that the following clause be inserted in the announcement under the published requirements for graduation: "Candidates for the degree of graduate in pharmacy of lessthan the legal age may receive the degree of pharmaceutical chemist in lieu thereof.'' The meeting then adjourned at 5:15 to meet on Thursday, April 22d, at 9:30 a. m. W. B. DAY, Secretary. ALBERT E. E B E R T , T H E O . ' C . LOEHR, HENRY SWANNELL, HENRY BIROTH, H. H. ROGERS. I n t h e absence of t h e c h a i r m a n of t h e Advisory B o a r d t h e reportwas p r e s e n t e d by Mr. Swannell. T h e B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r p r e s e n t e d two r e p o r t s from Mr. Spalding,: b u t as these were w i t h o u t a s i g n a t u r e t h e y were h a n d e d back to P r o fessor S h a t t u c k a n d h e was directed to procure Mr. S p a l d i n g ' s signat u r e to t h e m . Messrs. G o i n g and Camp, a l u m n i of the University, wTere given a n o p p o r t u n i t y to explain steps which they h a d t a k e n looking towardsan i n d i c t m e n t of Charles W . S p a l d i n g for u s i n g U n i v e r s i t y funds.
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